Act Natural! (2D x Fem!Reader)🖤?

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strong language
nsfw language/actions (it wouldn't be a gorillaz xreader if it didn't have a bit of sexuality, now, would it?)
Your POV (might do 1st person povs from now on since they're easier to write)
You are the Gorillaz' personal costume designer for sets and tours. Everything is normal, until a certain blue-haired singer starts to take interest in you.

Gorillaz: the best band on earth.

Or at least that's what I was paid to say.

I would argue that Gorillaz had been a major success since the early 2000s.

There was Russel the drummer, Noodle the guitarist, Murdoc the bassist, and Stuart "2D" Pot on the lead vocals. They were quite the band, full of personality.

As the costume designer, I helped with the outfits whenever they were on stage. And since they weren't touring at the moment, I had moved into Noodle's current room as a roomie.

I mostly hung out with Noodle and Murdoc, since they were the most sociable. 2D and Russel mostly kept to themselves.

It was a normal Sunday morning just like any other.

"And I win once again!" I triumphed as I won at Mario Kart once again.

"Boo! Not fair!" Noodle protested, setting her controller down.

"C'mon, (Y/N), why didn't you let your old man win?" Murdoc asked tauntingly.

"Because you're stupid!" I said, sticking my tongue out and laughing.

"Whatever. I think my controller's broken!"

"That's what you always say."

"He's said that since I was 10 years old!" Noodle said with a chuckle. "Some things never change, do they?"

I shook my head and laughed. "Guess not. You guys up for another round?"

"Nah, I'm peachy. I've got things to do." Murdoc said, getting up from the couch and stretching.

"You mean like wackin' off in a closet?"


"Don't be so defensive, old man. I'll let you win next time. Go do whatever old man stuff you gotta do."

Murdoc glared at me and then flashed a toothy grin, walking off to his room.

"Seems like you and Murdoc are hitting it off pretty well, no?" Noodle suggested.

"Hell no! Green men aren't really my type, y'know." I defended myself.

"Ah, I was just joking around, (Y/N)! But I have seen 2D making eyes at you!"

"What? 2D? He doesn't even have irises, how do you know?"

"He has a different way of showing things. I think he likes you!"

"I...I don't know, Noodle. It seems pretty unorthodox..."

Noodle rolled her eyes and laughed. "Okay, (Y/N). Whatever you say."

I chuckled and got up from the couch. "I'm gonna go take a shower, Noods. I'll be back in a bit."

Noodle smiled and nodded. "Take care!"

I waved her off and went into our shared room, bringing a towel from the laundry room with me and hopping into the shower.

Showers were usually one of the only times I ever got peace and quiet. The warm water was calming and nobody ever bothered me.

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