Smut/Fluff Headcanons: Connor

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-can be very rough, depending on how he's feeling
-not afraid to moan out your name, or moan regardless
-VERY high endurance, can last for a while
-rlly likes to cum down your throat
-sometimes he edges you, sometimes he overstimulates you. usually the second choice
-doesn't mind it when you claw at his back. he knows it can be fixed later.
-out of the both of you, he's most likely the one to suggest new positions each time
-now that he's a deviant and understands his feelings, he'll most likely experience being aroused around you more than ever
-he likes to take things slow and sensual, building it all up until he's pounding into you
-really likes to see hickies on your neck. he sometimes makes them in small flower patterns :)
-very caring when it comes to aftercare. anything he can do for you he will do
-asks what your desires are, then acts on them the way you like it
-when he found out you really liked ass smacks, he did it more often than ever
-hot showers would usually ensue afterward, him hugging tightly to you and kissing your neck and shoulders
-worships you like an absolute goddess. loves the sight of your legs shaking as he fucks you, and loves it even more when you're on top of him, your breasts vulnerable before him
-feels guilty if he ever hurts you on accident. he'll literally carry you around the house if your knees ever hurt
-has fucked you on every spot in the house. the kitchen table, the bed, the couch, the shower, bending you over the railing of the balcony
-really wants you to top him a LOT
-"did I hurt you? are your knees ok? do you need to take a nap? how about a shower? some Tylenol? maybe I should be a little gentler. is she sure I didn't hurt her?"

-god he is a whole simp for you
-flowers. so many flowers
-he looks forward to your birthday and Christmas every year, he goes all out with gifts
-affection at all times
-stargazing is his favourite thing to do with you
-he would adopt a thousand puppies with you if he could
-loves to hear you talk about your interests, he just stares at you in adoration as you talk about your favourite movie or show
-if he ever were to propose, he would make sure the wedding would be perfect just for you
-makes the b e s t French toast
-it makes his Thirium pump beat fast whenever you kiss him
-speaking of kisses, he'll kiss you everywhere
-gives you makeovers and paints your nails :))
-breakfast in bed always
-texts you even if you are together
-lets you beat him in Mario Kart
-10/10 a sweet boy

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