His Knight (Tarrant Hightopp x Fem!Reader)🖤

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this is a request for imterrifiedithink, enjoy, hope it's not too horrible. this will probably be sort of short as well so apologies for that! any spelling or grammar mistakes are entirely my fault lol.

"Tarrant, you don't have to do this, you know."

"Please, it's the least I could do. To thank you for being so kind."

You smile, watching the curly-headed man spread a picnic blanket out onto the grass. "Sit, sit!"

You take a seat on one end of the blanket, and Tarrant sets the picnic basket down between the two of you, pulling snacks and a bottle of a strange punch you didn't think would fit in the basket.

"What's this?" You ask, lifting up the bottle of red liquid.

"It's a special kind of tea. Made right here in Underland and sold nowhere else. Here, try it, it's absolutely delicious."

You nod, and Tarrant grabs a teacup from the picnic basket, handing it to you. You pour yourself a little and take a sip.

It was strange, like a blend of fruits but also an earthy taste to it. Bitter, but also sweet.

"Huh, that's...not too bad, Tarrant."

"I'm glad you think so! Help yourself to anything you'd like. I prepared all this just for you, darling."

You smile softly. You pitied him, honestly. Tarrant didn't need to do all these things for you. You were much too used to doing things for him. You even started to consider him your maiden of sorts.

Being a knight came with its perks; always feeling the need to help people, even when they weren't necessarily in danger. You enjoyed helping people, as it was literally your job. You especially loved helping Tarrant, as he was your reason for staying in Underland as long as you did. You were his knight and he was your prince.

There were some things he hid from you that you weren't so oblivious of. When he seemed down, you'd ask him if he was okay, and of course he'd say he was fine.

Tarrant clearly wasn't fine. He was a complicated man, one who didn't reveal all his secrets and kept them all locked up. You wondered when you'd be able to unlock them.

There was always something that was on his mind, and those somethings never left, only cycled in his brain waiting their turn.

Tarrant never really spoke of more personal things to you. You, on the other hand, had seen more of Tarrant, unbeknownst to him.

You never told him, but you once accidentally witnessed him pleasuring himself once.

Tarrant was just laying there, entranced in the feeling of his own hand stroking himself. You just watched from the crack of the bedroom door, being careful not to be seen. He looked so happy. You felt horrible for seeing him like this, considering he needed privacy for this, but you couldn't help but grin at the sight, walking off and letting him finish. You decided to never ask Tarrant about it, as you didn't want him to freak out over being caught in that position.

The two of you never actually spoke about sex together; you didn't think he was the kind of guy to be into things like that. But after all, he did have his desires.

Spending more time with the Hatter himself made you realize that you truly felt more strongly about him than you let on. During simple cuddles or hugs, you'd notice your back arching in response to his hips or his hands being so close to you. You obviously held yourself back from grinding against him when you were innocently cuddling.

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