Spin the Bottle (Leon Kennedy x Fem!Reader)🖤

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probably going to be out of canon. enjoy.

It all started with a seemingly harmless game of spin the bottle.

A fun party game, except both you and Leon were absolutely shitfaced drunk and had no clue of the circumstances.

It was you, Leon, Claire, Chris--which, if it had spun between he and the aforementioned Claire, would be extremely awkward--and your best friend Vanessa. Five friends, a singular bottle to spin and see if the gods were really against you.

You and Leon were the only ones that were very, very drunk--the others had a buzz on, but they weren't as bad as you two.

It was a very late Friday night; you were off work and so were Leon and the others. So, all five of you decided to head to Chris' place and drink.

It wasn't really until Vanessa proposed a game of spin the bottle that it became a clear venture into dangerous waters. You were drunk, of course, so you immediately agreed, and so did Leon.

"Spin the bottle! Spin the bottle! Spin the bottle!" Claire chanted, taking a huge swig of vodka.

"Spin the f-fuckin' bottle!" You followed, your speech already slurring. "L-Leon, you do it!"

"C'mon, m-meee?" Leon hiccups, chuckling. "Alrighty, fine. Where's the fuckin' bottle?"

"(Y/N) emptied this one out. Use it." Chris tosses Leon an empty bottle of Jack Daniels, which Leon surprisingly caught pretty well.

"Ah, alright, you g-guys ready?"

"Spin it, Kennedy Whore!" You drunkingly cheer, grinning that big smile you get when you get drunk.

Leon takes a chance, spinning the bottle and watching--well, disoriented--as it spun. It slowed down, and both Claire and Vanessa break out in laughter.

It had, of course, spun between you and Kennedy.

You look over at Leon, your drunkenness blurring your vision just a bit. He seemed to he getting closer, closer to where you could finally make out the deep blue of his irises, the slight crinkles on his face. Closer, closer, until he was just seconds away from your lips...

You tackle him, pressing your lips harshly against his in a drunken fever. Leon grabs a hold of your hair, pulling you closer to him as he deepens the kiss.

"Okay, guys, I think that's--"

Claire tries to get the two of you away from eachother, but it doesn't work. Leon keeps at it.

"Guys!" Chris speaks a little louder.

Claire shakes her head, getting up and heading to the kitchen. She pours water into a glass and heads over to the two of you.

She smirks mischievously, dumping the water on both you and Leon.

Leon pulls away and groans, wiping water from his face. "C'mon, it was j-just getting good!"

"You two aren't actually dating, it's just a game," Vanessa remarks. "I should probably drive (Y/N) home. She's the drunkest I've ever seen her."

Leon sighs, looking up at you as you stagger to your feet. "Seeya."

"B-Bye-bye, Kennedy Whore."

A few months pass, and you hadn't seen Leon for what seemed like a lifetime.

You missed him, you truly did; you barely even remembered playing spin the bottle, but you definitely remembered the kiss. It meant a lot to you, even if you were drunk. You hoped that you'd meet him some other day, but for now, you'd be stuck wondering if that kiss was more than a drunk action.

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