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They didn't like labelling their relationship as an affair. An affair implied that what they were doing was wrong, but is it really so wrong when it feels so right?

They had sparked up a romance just before summer and have pretty much been inseparable ever since.

Whenever the kids weren't around, FP and Alice were together, they'd spend lunch breaks with one another and go on dates to Greendale where they could openly be together and not worry about being caught.

It had gotten more serious recently, when FP told her he loved her while they were on a weekend getaway together. It was incredibly romantic, and he had gone the whole nine yards.

Love had never really worked out well for either of them.

When they were teenagers, their relationship seemed to be strictly casual and physical, even though they both had a lot of feelings left unsaid.

In his relationship with Gladys, the words "I love you" just always seemed like the right thing to say, just like how he thought marrying her when she found out she was pregnant was the right thing to do.

Looking over her years with Hal, she's not sure she could confidently say she was in love with him. Sure, she loved him, you don't spend that much of your life with someone if you don't love them in some capacity, but she never got those butterflies in her stomach when she was around him like she does when she's with FP.

Which is what made all the more special when FP mumbled the words against her lips as he held her close. She had stared at him for a moment, even asking him if he meant it, and when he promised her he did, that he had loved her since he was fifteen, she had smiled and told him she loved him too.

They've been stronger than ever since that day, of course, the kids still know nothing and they'd like to keep it that way, at least for a little longer. They're sure they won't react well and they want to live in their happy little bubble for as long as possible.

FP gives her one last kiss before rolling onto his back and pulling her close, both sweating and breathing heavily. "I'm gonna be real upset when summer ends and I don't get to spend all day in bed with you."

She giggles and lifts herself up on her elbows to look at him better. "Pretty nice arrangement we've got here, huh?"

"Maybe we should just run away to Greendale."

"As tempting as that sounds, the kids might grow suspicious when we both go missing."

"Good point." He reaches his hand up to tuck a messy, blonde curl behind her ear, letting his thumb stroke her cheekbone. "I love you."

She smiles brilliantly, he'll never get tired of seeing her so genuinely happy, it's even better knowing he's the reason. "I love you too." She snuggles back up against his side, tracing the Serpent tattoo on his side completely by memory.

"You know we're hypocrites, right?" He says. "Telling the kids to use protection when we consistently forget."

"Well that's what birth control is for." She reminds him. "We've got our bases covered. Plus, it's so much better without." She presses a kiss to his jaw and he groans.

"You're gonna get me worked up again, babe. Then we'll really never get out of bed."

"Fine by me, I want as much time with you as possible before we have to cut back on seeing each other. Hell, I'd be content on just cuddling with you all day."

"Hmm, cuddling with my incredibly gorgeous girlfriend in bed all day?" He tightens his arm around her and presses a kiss to the top of her head. "Sounds like a damn good day to me."

She smiles. "Girlfriend. I like the sound of that."

"Well that is what you are, aren't you? We are dating, just... secretly."

"I just like hearing you label it, it sounds so official, I never thought we'd have that."

He smiles sadly, he never thought they'd have that either. "Well I'm not letting you go again, I've lost you too many times, this time we're in it for the long haul."

"Lucky me," She mumbles against his lips when he kisses her. "Very lucky me."

So what if the kids didn't know? They don't need to.

So what if summer was ending and they wouldn't be able to see each other as often? They could talk on the phone and see each other whenever possible.

And so what if they had forgotten a condom yet again? It's not like it matters anyway, she's already pregnant, they just don't know it yet.

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