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"And done." Jellybean announces proudly, securing Alice's hair with an elastic. She had watched both Alice, and especially FP, struggle to braid Alice's hair. She wanted it back and out of her face, and Jellybean was happy to help, especially if it made Alice feel even the slightest bit better.

Of course, the epidural had kicked in now, so Alice was visibly calmer. She was in agony beforehand, the contractions coming more frequently and becoming more and more painful.

FP had felt sick to his stomach, not because he was uncomfortable watching Alice give birth, in fact he thought that was pretty amazing, what he didn't like was seeing the woman he loves in such pain. Especially because there wasn't really anything he could do to help, sure he could offer her his hand to squeeze, but that didn't lessen the pain. He did his best to help her, brushed her hair back with his palm, pressed kisses to her forehead, rubbed her back. All things that seemed to help calm her, in the moment.

The last time the doctor came in he told her she was 8 centimetres dilated, meaning the baby was coming soon.

"Knock knock." Betty's voice rings through the room.

Alice lights up immediately. "Betty! Jughead! Hi."

"Hey mom, how are you feeling?" Betty asks, stepping over to her bedside and pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Now that the epidural has kicked in? Fantastic."

"We brought you some flowers." Jughead says, setting the arrangement on the windowsill.

"They're beautiful, thank you so much."

"How much longer do you think it'll be? Is she coming quick?"

"I don't think it'll be too much longer," Alice says. "She is coming fairly quick. We've been here, what? six hours? I was in labour with you for fourteen."

"And you've never let me forget it." Betty teases.

"How are you holding up, dad?" Jughead asks his father, patting him on the back.

"Stressing a little bit, but I'm excited."

"You're stressed?" Alice pouts. "How come?"

"I'm just nervous I'm out of practice. I mean, what if she doesn't like me? What if I put her diaper on backwards?"

"Honey, we're both out of practice. We'll maneuver it together." She assures him. "She's going to love you, she already does. If that isn't evident by the way she kicks whenever you're in close proximity." He smiles. "And as for the diaper thing? I think we've all put a diaper or two on backwards, it's no big deal."

"I love you." He tells her softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"I love you too honey."

"Well, looks like the whole family is here." The doctor jokes as he walks into the room. "How're ya feeling Alice?"

"Tired. But no pain, so that's good."

"Epidural working well, I take it?"

"That stuff is a miracle."

He smirks and wheels his stool up to the end of the bed. "Alright, let's see where we're at." He's quiet for a moment and then gives her a smile. "You ready to meet your daughter?"

Alice and FP's eyes grow wide, almost in sync with one another. "It's time?"

"It's time. You're ten centimetres. I'm going to go get my team and we'll be right back."

"Guess we made it just on time." Betty says to Jughead.

"I'm glad you're here, both of you." Alice says, smiling tiredly.

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