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"Hey you," FP says softly as he walks into he and Alice's bedroom. "What are you up to?"

She gives him a smile. "Just reading." She closes her book and sets it on the nightstand. "Want to come keep us company? Buttercup here is kicking up a storm."

"Is that a trick question? Of course." She giggles as he runs over to hop onto the bed, the sound music to his ears.

He rubs his hands lovingly over her bump and presses a kiss to it. "Hey little one, what's going on in there?"

Alice sinks back into the pillows and runs her fingers through FP's hair, admiring the view as he dotes on her belly. It's adorable to her just how in love he already is with their daughter.

He grins when the baby delivers a hard kick to his hand. "How are you doing, mama?"

"I'm alright." She gives him a small smile.

"Well," he starts, reaching up to take her hand. "What do you say you and I dress up a little and go to that fancy restaurant you love so much?"

She raises an eyebrow at him. "You hate that place. What's the occasion?"

"No occasion, I just want to see you smile, genuinely smile, so I made reservations this morning."

"You're cute, you know that?"

He smirks and crawls up the bed to drop a kiss to her lips. "I think I've been told once or twice." He kisses her again and she melts into it, making a noise of protest when he pulls away. "Our reservations are in an hour, don't wanna be late."

"Hi, Jones party of two." FP tells the hostess. He gives Alice a smile as he waits for the woman to check their reservation.

"I'm sorry Mr Jones, it looks as though your table was given to someone else."

FP's eyebrows shoot up into his hairline. "What? I called and confirmed it just before we left, how was it given to someone else?"

"I'm sorry, one of my colleagues must of given the table without checking."

He sighs. "Do you have any other tables available?"

"Not at the moment, but if you're willing to wait a table will open up eventually."

"How long is the wait?"

"Well seeing as there are some patrons ahead of you, I'd say forty-five minutes to an hour."

FP looks over at Alice, giving her the choice to stay or go. She shakes her head. "No, but thanks. Have a good night."

Alice takes his hand in her own, lacing their fingers together as they walk outside. "As much as I love this restaurant, there was no way I was going to survive an hour long wait in these shoes, in my condition."

He smiles a little. "I'm sorry, I was hoping we could have a nice night out together, I guess that's ruined."

She stops him once they reach his truck. "Hey, nothing is ruined. It's not your fault one of those boneheads gave away our table, it's the thought that counts. And as far as I'm concerned, as long as I'm with you, I don't care where we are."

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