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FP had gotten out of bed over an hour ago, much to Alice's protest in her half asleep state. It's a pain having to sneak out of one another's rooms so early in the room to avoid getting caught by the kids, but it's worth it when they get to cuddle all night long. She's sure that FP's hand would be permanently glued to her stomach if it could.

She can hear him and the kids bustling around downstairs and she lets out a long yawn as she stretches out her sleepy muscles and gets out of bed.

She walks into her bathroom and brushes through her hair, detangling it before grabbing her toothbrush. She's about to head downstairs when she catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror when she turns to the side slightly. There, under her shirt, is the slightest hint of a baby bump. She grins at the sight, raising her top to get a better look.

Without thinking she hurries out of the room and down the stairs, meeting 4 sets of eyes. "Morning mom." Betty greets.

"Good morning, honey."

FP turns around and gives her a small smile from his position at the sink. "Hey, we just finished up breakfast but there's still some left over for you on the counter."

"Thank you. Actually, I could use your help if you're not too busy?" She says nervously, hoping the kids don't find it suspicious.

He raises an eyebrow at her. "What's up?"

"My uh, my sink, water is spraying out when I turn on the faucet." She comes up with on the spot. "Is that something I should be worried about?"

He dries off his hands with a tea towel and heads in her direction. "Probably just need to tighten the pipes, shouldn't be anything too serious, let me just grab my tools and I'll give it a look." She nods. "Kids do you mind finishing up the dishes before you head to school?"

"On it." Jellybean says, taking over her dad's spot at the sink.

Alice leads the way upstairs after FP has grabbed his tools from the basement. "So your sink is spraying water?" He questions, following close behind her into her bedroom.

She shakes her head and pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. "I have something to show you."

He raises an eyebrow at hers "I'm not following."

She slowly lifts up her shirt and turns slightly to the side. "Look who's decided to make their presence known."

He smiles wide and drops his tool bag down on the floor in favour of kneeling down in front of her to dote on her stomach. She smiles at the goofy grin on his face as soon as he feels the swell of their baby. "Hey little one." He whispers. "It's about time you make yourself noticed."

"Caught me off guard," she says. "I just happened to notice it in the mirror."

"Gotta say, I'm pretty stoked. I've been waiting for you to start showing."

"I wasn't so excited, makes it a lot more difficult to keep he or she a secret."

"I'm sure the kids won't even notice, babe." He tells her, rising up from the floor to wrap his arms around her.

"You're right... still though, I'm only going to start showing more, it'll be harder to hide it then."

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

She nods, blushing slightly. "Also not looking forward to gaining weight, I've already gained some baby weight since our little munchkin here seems to have inherited the Jones appetite."

He chuckles and draws her close, pressing a kiss to her temple. "You look beautiful."

"You're not gonna think so when I start resembling a beached whale."

He feels his heart ache at the look of sadness on her face at the thought and he just knows Hal had made a fuss about the baby weight she gained during her previous pregnancies.

He takes her face in his hands so she'll look at him. "Alice, I'm not Hal, I'm not going to think you're unattractive or love you any less just because you gain some weight. You're growing our baby, and that's fucking amazing, I don't care if you gain twenty pounds or two hundred, just as long as you and the baby are happy and healthy." Her eyes gloss over with tears as he speaks and he strokes her cheek with his thumb. "It's never something that's going to bother me, I love you no matter what."

She smiles a little and delivers a soft swat to his shoulder before burying her face in his chest. He laughs. "What was that for?"

"You keep triggering my hormones by being so sweet." He smiles and presses a kiss to her hair, whispering an apology to her. "I love you too," she tells him. "Thank you for being so perfect." She tilts her head up to give him a kiss and he's more than happy to oblige.

He sinks into the kiss for a few moments before pulling away. "I take it you sink isn't actually broken?"

She shakes her head with a laugh. "No, it was just the first thing I came up with that the kids wouldn't get suspicious about. However, if you want to take a look I wouldn't be mad, it's kinda hot watching you work."

"Well whatever turns you on." He smirks, reaching down to grab his tools again.

"You do, always, constantly."

"Your hormones really are wilding huh?" She blushes and confirms it with a nod. "Well there's definitely no complaints here. What do you say we remedy those hormones of yours tonight?"

She shivers in anticipation at the thought. "Definitely. I'll sneak down after the kids go to bed?" She suggests.

"I don't mind coming up."

"Well we can be louder in the basement:"

"Fair point." He steals another kiss from her and then walks towards the bathroom. "Alright, lets take a look at this 'broken' sink of yours."

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