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"So we're really going to get to see the baby today?" FP questions yet again.

Alice smiles at him from the passenger seat. "Yes honey, we're going to get to see the baby."

"Sorry, I'm excited." His cheeks turn pink in embarrassment and she reaches her hand over to take his.

"I'm excited too. I wish you could've been there for the first one."

It was hard having to see their baby for the first time without having him there to share her excitement. It just didn't seem fair that he didn't get to be a part of such a special moment. But he's home now, and he's not going anywhere, and there's plenty more special moments that await them.

FP pulls into the parking lot of Alice's doctor and drives to the closest spot he can find. He hops out of the truck before she's even managed to unbuckle her seatbelt and she chuckles at his eagerness.

Her door opens and FP offers her a hand to help her out of the truck. "You do know I can still open doors and get out of the truck by myself, right? I'm not that pregnant."

He shrugs and laces his fingers with hers as they walk into the building. "I like helping you out. It's not fair that you have to do all the hard stuff and I just get to sit around and watch. I wanna make things as stress free and easy for you as possible."

She smiles. "You're sweet. But I promise you, it won't stress me out to open a door."

He rolls his eyes. "Would you just let me dote on you?"

"Fine, fine, dote away."

He smiles triumphantly and presses a kiss to her lips. "Happy to."

"Alice Smith?" A woman's voice calls, and she peeks around FP to find her doctor waiting with a welcoming smile. "Ah good, you're right on time. Follow me."

"You ready to see our baby?"

FP nods immediately. "You know I am."

"This is going to be a little cold." The doctor tells her as she spreads some gel on the Doppler before bringing it to Alice's stomach. FP reaches for her hand as the doctor moves the wand around, searching for their little miracle. "Ah, there you are."

She turns the monitor towards them and points to the screen with a smile. "Here's your baby."

Alice smiles brightly and looks to FP, who looks so completely captivated by the image on screen. "It's beautiful." He whispers. Alice chuckles, reaching out to run her fingers through his hair. "I could look at it all day."

The doctor smiles. "Well I'll print it off for you so you can do just that."

"And is everything okay? Is the baby healthy?" Alice asks, wanting to get the most important question out of the way so she can fully relax and enjoy the moment.

"Everything looks just fine. Is there any concerns you have? Anything you're concerned about?"

"Still a little bit nauseous but it's subsided for the most part. Other than that, everything is fine."

"Great, that's good to hear. Speaking of hearing things," the doctor turns to the monitor and after a few seconds, a quiet thumping sound fills the room. "That, is your baby's heartbeat."

Alice feels FP let go of her hand and she looks over to him, feeling herself grow emotional at the sight of him covering his face, a soft sniffle giving away the fact that he's crying. "Oh honey."

"Sorry," he croaks out, wiping at his eyes. "I'm just happy. I can't believe thats our baby in there."

"I'll give you two a moment." The doctor says.

The door shuts behind her and Alice gestures for FP to come closer. "That's our baby, Al."

Alice blinks back her own tears. "I'm so glad you're here."

"I love you." He whispers, leaning over to kiss her. "I love you so much."

His hand drifts down to her stomach and he presses a kiss to it. "And I love you too, little one. I can't wait to meet you."

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