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"Alright, let it out, babe." FP instructs Alice, helping her regulate her breathing.

"I am getting real sick of these things." She whines.

She's been having dull pains since she woke up, and they've slowly gotten worse. She had narrowed it down to Braxton Hicks, but FP has slowly become more skeptical of that.

"Do you want me to do the dishes?" Jellybean offers, noticing Alice's pain.

"Oh honey that's okay, we've got it covered." Alice gives the girl a smile. "Thank you though."

FP fills the sink up with warm water and dish soap, starting to scrub plates clean and handing them to Alice to dry.

They make peaceful conversation for a few minutes, until yet another sharp pain shoots through her abdomen, and she hunches over the counter, taking in a deep breath. "Al, you're starting to scare me." FP tells her, stepping over to rub her back.

"It's just Braxton Hicks." She assures him.

"With how far along you are, are you sure it's just Braxton Hicks?" He looks down at his watch, checking the amount of time that's passed since the last one.

She meets his eyes, straightening up as the pain subsides. "No, it can't be? She isn't due for another week."

"Why don't we just head to the hospital? Just to be sure."

"How about we call the doctor and only go to the hospital if he says to?" She counters.

He thinks on it for a moment, apprehensive to agree. "Fine. But I'm going to put your hospital bag in the car just in case."

She rolls her eyes. She's sure it's nothing to worry about.

She thought wrong.

As soon as she told the doctor what she was feeling and how long the pain was lasting, he had told her to come in immediately. And so, she, FP and Jellybean had piled into the vehicle, and made their way to the hospital.

"Alice, how are you feeling?" Her doctor asks.

"Oh just dandy." She sarcastically says.

He smiles warmly at her and sits down on his stool, wheeling over to the end of the bed. "So you've been having contractions?"

"Braxton Hicks." She insists. "She's not coming yet."

"Actually, it seems like she is." The doctor tells her. "You're dilated 3 centimetres."

Alice's face immediately drains of colour. "Very funny."

"Not a joke. Your baby girl will be here rather soon."

"But my due date isn't for another week!"

"Well it's not uncommon for babies to come early." The doctor reminds her.

"But my other children were either on time or overdue, never early." She tells him. "Are you sure everything is okay?"

"Miss Smith, I promise you everything is just fine. Your baby is happy and healthy and ready to meet you. There are plenty of things that could've triggered labour, but it could just be the baby's time to come."

"What could've triggered it? I haven't done anything wrong."

"It's not a matter of doing anything wrong," he assures her. "There are just some things that, so close to the due date, can induce labour. Such as, spicy foods, exercise, sex." FP and Alice share a knowing look at the last one, and her face turns red, Jellybean cringes.

The doctor notices and smiles. "Mystery solved?" Alice nods in embarrassment. "It's still going to be a little while, so just try and relax. Everything is just fine."

"Well, I guess I did pretty good, huh?" FP jokes when the doctor leaves room.

Alice swats his shoulder and laughs. "Shut up."

"Sorry." He chuckles. "Would you like some ice chips or anything?"

"Ice chips sound great."

"I can get them." Jellybean offers, scurrying up from her chair and out of the room.

Alice let's out a sweet laugh. "I think we scarred her."

"Maybe just a tad." He strokes his fingers through her hair. "How are you feeling?"

"A little freaked out. I wasn't expecting her yet."

"It's only a week, though."

"I know, I'm not mad about it, it's just a bit of a shock. I haven't fully prepared myself for labour again."

"If I could do it for you, I would." He presses a kiss to her forehead.

"That's sweet." She smiles. "I don't think you'd make it though."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Al." He teases. "I'll be here to hold your hand through it all though. Squeeze it as hard as you need."

"You're gonna regret saying that." She teases. "You're gonna regret a lot actually, especially if you sneak a peek at her when she's coming out."

He chuckles, taking a seat beside her in the small hospital bed. "I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Yeah that's what Hal said. I thought he was going to faint." She blushes. "Plus, after you see that, it may immediately evaporate any and all sexual feelings towards me." She casts her eyes away.

He frowns and takes her face in his hands so she'll look at him. "Al? That will never happen. You know you're the most beautiful person in the world to me. As far as I'm concerned, seeing you bring our daughter into the world will only make me love you more."

"It will?" She questions softly, her eyes gleaming. "Promise?"

He smiles at her and leans in to brush a gentle kiss against her lips. "You know I do." She steals another kiss from him. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." She whispers, just as another contraction rips through her abdomen. She clenched into his hand tightly. "However, I don't exactly like you much right now."

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