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"How's Alice doing?" Fred asks as he and FP work.

"Well you know her, she's putting up a strong front but she's a mess." FP says. He sighs and sits down on a stack of wood, wiping his brow. "I just wish I could take away her pain."

"Do you think the kids will come around?"

"Honestly? I have no idea. I hope so but God, they're so mad."

"They're still your kids, they love you guys."

"Yeah, I'm starting to doubt that."

"But Jellybean's cool with everything?"

FP smiles. "It's kinda cute actually. She adores Alice."

"Well I may have the scoop from an inside source that Alice adores her as well." As if on cue Alice's car comes into view, bringing a wide grin to FP's face.

Fred and FP walk over to the car to greet her and she raises an eyebrow at them. "Couple of hard workers you two."

"Sorry mom." Fred teases.

FP nudges him with his elbow and walks over to Alice, pulling her into a hug. "This is a nice surprise. What brings you here?"

"Well I was bored at home and craving Pop's, figured I'd I was buying myself something I'd bring you two knuckleheads lunch."

"And this is why you're my favourite person." Fred exclaims. "I'd kiss you if your boyfriend wasn't here. FP, kiss her for me." He instructs, walking to the passenger side of her car to retrieve the takeout bags.

Alice rolls her eyes fondly and looks towards FP, leaning up on her tip-toes to kiss him. "Hey you."

"Hey." He steals another kiss and curls his arm around her shoulders, the two of them following Fred into the office trailer.

"Did Pop accidentally give you an extra order of cheese fries?" Fred questions.

"Nope, they're both mine. Hand em' over, Andrews."

FP chuckles at her, her pregnancy appetite something that could rival his own.

"So how's Fred Jr. doing?" Fred asks, biting into his burger.

Alice smiles. "You do know she's a girl, right? I don't think Fred Jr. would suit her very well."

"Hey she could pull it off." He teases. "Seriously though, how are you two?"

"She's good, strong and healthy, kicking up a storm."

"Glad to hear it." He gives her a knowing look. "And you?"

She swallows hard. "I'm fine." Fred gives her a knowing look. "My daughter hates me, I'm coming to terms with it. So really, I'm fine."

Fred frowns but doesn't push her any farther, hoping that she really is fine, but knowing better.

They talk amongst themselves for a little while until Alice's phone buzzes and distracts her mid-conversation.

She reaches for it quickly both Fred and FP watch her with curious expressions, wondering why she's so eager to answer her phone. Her face falls flat and she awkwardly tucks her phone back in her purse. "Sorry, I... I thought it was someone else. Never-mind."

FP nonchalantly reaches for her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. He knew exactly who she was hoping it was and the thought makes his heart ache.

She's checked her phone nearly every few minutes, hoping that a message from Betty will just magically appear. But every time, there's nothing. She's noticed FP watching her closely, knows she can talk to him, but it's so humiliating to her. So instead, she just drowns slowly in her thoughts.

"Al?" FP calls from their bathroom.

"Yeah?" She calls back, getting up her vanity to see what he needs. "What's up?"

He pokes his head out of the shower and gives her a small smile. "Hey, sorry, could you grab me the shampoo bottle?" He points to the new bottle on the counter. "Thanks, I didn't want to soak the floor by grabbing it myself."

She hands him the bottle. "I think this was just an excuse to get me in here."

"Well that may just be a perk." He teases. "What do you say? Wanna hop in?" He wiggles his eyebrows at her and she laughs, the sound music to his ears.

"As tempting as that sounds, I'm kind of tired."

"That's alright, another night." He puckers his lips for a kiss which she's happy to oblige. "I'll be in a couple minutes."

"I'll be there." She gives him a smile and heads back into their bedroom, the heady scent of his body wash having travelled into the room.

She pulls back the covers and slips into bed, hearing the shower shut off shortly after.

"As much as I love working at the construction site, I always feel so gross at the end of the day." FP says as he walks out of the bathroom. "All that dirt, and dust, and not to mention sweating like a pig. Yuck." He looks towards the bed and sees Alice curled up in the blankets, facing away from him. His eyebrows furrow. "Al?" No response. "You asleep already?" He chuckles at the thought and walks over to the bed, hearing a sniffle come from her.

"Woah, woah, woah. Are you crying?" He cocks his head to look at her and finds tears streaming down her cheeks. He doesn't have to ask what's wrong, he knows. So he slips under the covers with her, curling his arms around her tightly as her body shakes with tears. "Shhh, baby, it's alright."

She sobs quietly, clenching his hands tightly in her own as he soothes her. "Let it out, Al, let it all out. It's okay," He whispers, pressing kisses to her hair. "It'll be okay. I promise."

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