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He had texted Alice early in the morning, letting her know he'd be coming by later than planned and that he'd explain when he got there. She of course told him it was no problem and to take his time.

He and Gladys decided it would be best to get Jellybean into school as soon as possible since they're sticking around, and so they went to the school early in the morning to sign her up.

"Can't I start next week? I mean I just got here, and I already have to go to school."

FP chuckles and curls his arm around her shoulders. "Unfortunately, yes. School's important kiddo, and I want to make sure you're getting a good education."

"Fine. But I just don't get why I have to start tomorrow."

"Well if you started next week you could miss stuff."

"I doubt they'll teach that much in a week, dad."

He smiles. "I know it sucks but you've gotta go." He presses a kiss to her head and looks towards Gladys. "I've gotta go too, I told Fred I'd come over and give him a hand."

Gladys raises an eyebrow. "Fred? What does he need you for?"

"He's redoing his bathroom, I've been giving him a hand." He reaches into his back pocket to grab his wallet and he pulls out a few bills, handing them to Jellybean. "Here, buy yourself some new school clothes or some new CD's, whatever you want, it's on me."

"Thanks dad!" She smiles excitedly and hugs him tight.

Gladys narrows her eyes at him, not believing the Fred story one bit, she just knows he's really going to see Alice.

"Come on JB, let's go get you some school supplies." Gladys says, opening the passenger door for her. "What time will you be getting back?"

"Not entirely sure, could be in a couple hours, could be longer. Why do you ask?"

"Just wanted to know if we should bring you home something to eat or not."

"No, it's alright, I'll just grab something on my way home or make something when I get back. Thanks though." He walks across the lot to his truck feeling Gladys' eyes burning a hole in his back.

He parks outside of the Andrews' house, when Fred found out about them he told FP he could park outside his house to make it less suspicious. To others, it would make more sense for him to be hanging out with Fred than Alice, it wouldn't draw any attention.

Fred is a huge supporter of their relationship, having been a close friend of both of them for years now, and both he and Alice are grateful for it. It's nice to be able to see their friend and not have to hide their relationship, though Fred does like to tease them.

He crosses the street to Alice's house and heads up the steps, knocking on the front door. He hears movement inside and soon he's greeted with the beautiful smile of his girlfriend.

"Well good morning, handsome." She steps aside to let him in and shuts the door behind him.

He wraps his arms around her almost immediately, pressing a kiss to her cheek and earning another smile from her. "Good morning indeed. You look incredible."

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