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FP is warm beside her, his arm wrapped snugly around her middle, holding her and their baby close even in his sleep state. She hasn't been able to fall asleep though, the pregnancy giving her back pain and preventing her from getting comfortable. She's tempted to wake up FP and ask him to give her a massage but he looks so peaceful beside her she can't bring herself to do so.

So instead, she snuggles up closer to him and his arms tighten around her. She closes her eyes and just as she feels herself dozing off, the baby delivers a hard kick to her stomach. She jolts at the surprising movement, and FP stirs in his sleep. She feels it again and smiles when she realizes what it is. Sure the baby has moved around inside her before, but this is the first time he or she has really given a prominent kick.

She sits up, turns on the lamp beside her bed, and shakes FP's shoulder to wake him, knowing he'll want to be apart of this. "FP, wake up." She whispers, shaking him again. "Honey, the-"

He jumps slightly as she successfully wakes him and he blinks "What? What's wrong? Are you alright? Are the kids okay?"

"Honey, we're all fine." She assures him, running her fingers through his hair calmly. "Give me your hand."

He raises an eyebrow at her but gives her his hand anyway, his face lighting up when she sets it on her stomach and he feels a kick against his hand. "Oh my God! It's kicking, our baby is kicking!" He scrambles to sit up and places his other hand on her stomach as well.

She smiles at how excited he is, the look on his face one of pure joy. "I figured you'd want to know."

"Of course I want to know, I want to know every detail about our little munchkin, no matter how big or small." He pauses. "Can I talk to it?"

She nods, the question making her heart warm, he's so cute to her. He scoots down lower on the bed and she raises her shirt up so he has full access to her bump. "Hey baby, it's daddy. You're up late, huh?" Alice laughs and he smiles up at her. "I think you've already inherited my sleeping habits, I used to stay up late a lot too."

He smiles as the baby kicks again. "God, that's incredible. I was hoping you'd kick for me soon, didn't feel like it was too fair that your mama was the only one who got to feel you moving."

"Well I am doing the hard work." She points out.

"Alright, that's true. Did you wake your mama up too?"

Alice shakes her head, relaxing further into her pillows as FP dotes on her. "I was already awake."

"You were?" She nods to confirm and his eyebrow raises up in confusion. "Why? It's the middle of the night."

"I couldn't sleep, my back is killing me."

"You should've woke me, I would've of kept you company or given you a massage."

"You were asleep, and you looked so peaceful, I wasn't going to wake you up for something so pointless." She let's her hand drift down to play with his hair and he frowns.

"It's not pointless, Al. I want to help you in any way I can. Is your back still hurting?"

"Yes." She answers. "Not as bad as it was but, yes."

He turns his attention back to her bump momentarily. "Alright, munchkin, you get some sleep in there, and let your mama get some sleep too. I'll play with you in the morning, I love you." He presses a kiss to her bump and then moves back up to the top of the bed, pressing a kiss to her temple. "Roll over, I'll rub your back for you."

"FP, you don't have to, its not that bad anymore."

"I don't mind, Al, you deserve to be pampered, you're carrying our baby and I can only imagine how hard that is. Now, like I said, roll over and get comfortable."

She smiles at him and does as he asks, nuzzling into her pillows. He pushes her shirt up and begins slowly rubbing his hands over her sore muscles. "Does that feel okay?"

She sighs blissfully. "Feels amazing."

He smiles at how content she looks, happy that he could bring her some sort of relief, and continues to work out the soreness in her back.

She lets him continue for a little while and then reaches her hand back to nudge his away. "Are you alright, babe? Did I hurt you?"

"I'm fine. I just want to cuddle with you, I'm tired." She reaches over to turn off the lamp and lays back down beside him, resting her head on his chest.

"Does your back feel better?" He asks, his arms wrapping around her and continuing to softly rub her back.

"So much better. Thank you."

"Of course." He looks down and sees her eyes fluttering as she struggles to keep them open. He smiles to himself and presses a kiss to the top of her head. "Get some sleep, babe. I love you."

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