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FP has been working incredibly hard on the nursery, taking nearly every free moment to perfect their daughters eventual room. They had moved Jughead's things down to the basement, which according to Jellybean, he seemed fine with.

It had taken FP and Alice far too long to design the nursery, both changing their minds on little details and having to go back. They eventually decided on a cream coloured theme, with accents of pink, something cozy but princess like for their baby girl. Alice has offered to help him plenty of times but he insisted on keeping it a surprise for her, so instead she's just been adding to the decorations for the room, putting her faith in him to make it look good.

"Hey you," Alice grins when she spots FP standing in the doorway of their bedroom. "How's the nursery coming along?"

"Just finished." He tells her, rubbing her feet when he sits down on the bed. "You want to see?"

"Absolutely," she sets the book she was reading to the side and grins at him. "You really finished it? That didn't take long."

"I'm excited." He explains, reaching out his hand to rest on her stomach, rubbing it slowly. "Plus, we're getting closer and closer to meeting this little one, I want her room to be done when we bring her home."

"You're sweet." She swings her legs over the side of the bed and extends her hands to him. "Help me up?"

"How are you feeling, babe?" FP asks, taking her hands to help her up.

"Tired, hungry, the usual." She links her fingers with his. "I'm excited to see the finished nursery though."

He smiles at her and leads her down the hall, pausing outside the baby's room. "Close your eyes." She does as he asks and feels him slowly guide her inside the room. "Ok, open."

Her eyes almost instantly well up with happy tears at the sight of the room. It's exactly how she envisioned it, and knowing that FP put so much hard work into it makes it all the more special.

Fred had built them the crib as a gift, even though he's already done so much more for them than they could've ever asked for.

The shelves are littered with a variety of baby books, from nursery rhymes to fairytales, and stuffed animals, including a cuddly snake plush, which of course, is courtesy of FP.

There's a rocking chair in the corner, the same one Alice had used to rock Betty and Polly to sleep all those years ago.

And the thing that ties it all together is the handmade, wooden "F" that's hanging over the crib. "Did you make this?" She asks him, running her fingertips across the smoothed wood.

"Yeah, I felt like something was missing and I thought it would be a cute touch." He tells her, the tips of his ears reddening. "If you don't like it though-"

She interrupts him immediately. "I love it. It's perfect." She kisses him softly, curling her arms around his neck. "This whole room is perfect, it's exactly how I envisioned it."

He grins and kisses her again. "I can't wait to meet her, Al. I'm so excited."

"Me too. I can't wait to see you two meet, I already know she's going to be a daddy's girl."

"You think?"

She gives him a knowing look. "Please, the second you set your hand on my belly she kicks up a storm. Believe me, she's going to be all about you."

"I don't mind that one bit." He tells her, rubbing circles into the small of her back. "I do think she look like you though."

"Really? I picture her looking like you. Your hair, your eyes."

"I hope she has your smile, and your nose." He bops her lightly on the nose with his finger and she lets out a girlish giggle.

"Just as long as she doesn't inherit my attitude."

"Even if she doesn't, we're in for a wild ride, this is our kid we're talking about. Our genes mixed together? Our stubbornness, no filter, bad ass-ness. She's gonna be a wild one."

"As long as you're by my side, I don't mind it one bit."

He grins at the cheesy statement, it's true for him too. "Ditto."

Any name guesses?

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