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The smile on FP's face has been pretty much permanent for the past few days, the baby's newest development in kicking, providing him with unlimited joy. He's been waiting for he or she to finally kick, wanting to feel the baby moving around for himself. Ever since she told him, his hands have been practically glued to her stomach whenever the kids aren't around.

"Gosh, this is just never going to get old."

"Yeah well it's not so fun in the middle of the night when he or she decides to kick my bladder repeatedly."

"Are you already causing trouble for your mama in there, little one?" FP coos to her stomach. "We're so excited to meet you, and for you to meet your brother and sisters."

"About that," Alice starts. "I think we should tell them."

He raises an eyebrow at her, a little stunned that she wants to tell the kids, she's been so adamant on keeping the pregnancy a secret for as long as possible. "You sure?"

"Well, no, but I'm showing, the baby is kicking, sooner or later it's going to be nearly impossible to hide. And I'd rather tell them than have them find out on their own, I shudder to think how they'd react if it didn't come directly from us."

"Whatever you decide, Al, I back you one hundred percent. If you do want to tell them, we can do that, just tell me when and where."

"Why don't we tell them tonight? After dinner, maybe?"

"Fine with me, I think we should lead with the fact that we're dating, might help soften the blow a little."

"No matter what they're not going to be thrilled, but I agree." She bites at her bottom lip nervously and he takes her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"No matter how they react, I'll be right here with you."

"Dinner was great, Alice." Jughead says after he finishes his plate.

"Thank you, I'm glad you liked it." She gives the boy a smile and then look over at FP. He gives her a slight nod and reaches for her hand under the table. "There's something we'd like to talk to you three about." She starts, her heart beginning to beat faster.

"Is everything okay?" Betty questions nervously.

"Yeah honey, everything's fine, don't worry." She's quiet for a moment, not quite sure how to deliver the news, lucky for her FP takes the lead.

"Alice and I are together." He tells them bluntly, she would of tried to sugarcoat it or leave it vague, so maybe it's good that FP broke the news instead. "We're dating, we have been for a while now."

"You're joking, right?" Betty scoffs. "Mom, please tell me he's joking."

Alice swallows the knot in her throat. "He's not joking. We are together. I love him, Betty."

"And I love her." FP adds, stroking his thumb over her hand to help keep her calm.

"This is ridiculous." Jughead mumbles under his breath.

Jellybean glares over at her brother. "It's amazing."

FP's eyebrow quirks up at that. "It is?"

Jellybean nods. "Alice is cool, I'm glad you're dating."

Alice smiles at the girl, and looks back towards the two teenagers with scowls on their faces. "Talk to us you two. How are you feeling?"

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