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The sound of rustling in the room slowly wakes Alice, and she blindly stretches out her arm for FP, finding his side of the bed empty. She peeks open her eyes and sees him packing their suitcase. "FP?"

He turns around and smiles brightly when he sees her. "Hey you. Sorry, did I wake you?"

She shakes her head, sitting up in the bed and pulling the sheets up to her chest. "No, it's alright. What are you doing?"

"Just packing our suitcase so we don't have to do it later."

"That's sweet." She says. "When you're done you should come back to bed." She suggests with a devilish grin.

"Lucky for you, I just finished." He zips up the suitcase and makes a beeline for the bed, slipping under the covers next to her. She cuddles up to his side and he tightens his arms around her. "How did you sleep?"

"So good. I don't want to go back home." She jokes.

"Ditto. But I promise, we'll do it again soon."

"Yeah except next time it'll be because the kids have ran us out of town."

"You sure you want to tell them when we get home?"

"No," She sighs. "But we have to."

He's quiet for a moment, just letting his fingertips trace her shoulder absentmindedly. "Well, if I'm not mistaken we still have a few more hours before we have to worry about telling them."

She smiles a little, knowing what he's hinting at. "That we do." He smirks and moves to hover over her, leaning his head down to brush his lips along the column of her neck. "Take my mind off of things?"

"It'd be my pleasure." He murmurs against her skin, giving her goosebumps. She locks her legs around his waist and shoves his boxers down with her feet, smiling as she feels him laugh into her neck.

"So?" Jellybean starts as they eat dinner. "Tell is about your trip. All you said was that you guys had a good time. What did you do?"

"Well we went to dinner at this really incredible restaurant, saw a movie, oh and we went for a walk by the river last night to go watch the sunset." Alice gushes.

"Sounds romantic." Jellybean smiles.

"It was. It was just what we needed." She casts her gaze towards FP and he catches on immediately.

They had talked the entire way home about how they were going to tell the kids and what exactly they would say. FP offered to take the lead and break the news which she was grateful for. She knows the kids aren't going to take the news particularly well, so having FP break the news at least takes a little of the weight off her shoulders.

"There's something we wanted to talk to you kids about," FP starts. "And we want you to be open minded."

Betty and Jughead share a worried glance, not entirely sure what to anticipate. "Well?" Jughead questions. "What is it?"

FP's quiet for a moment, taking Alice's hand when she reaches for his. She squeezes it tightly, and his heart aches as he realizes just how nervous she is to tell the kids.

"Just tell us." Betty sighs. "Whatever it is."

"We're having a baby." FP announces calmly, watching as three pairs of eyes widen in shock. "And before you say anything, we know you're not going to be thrilled about it, but we hope you can at least be respectful."

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