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FP waits outside his truck as he waits for Jellybean to get out of school. He figured since he was already in town he'd stop by and pick her up, rather than make her walk home.

Jellybean grins as soon as she sees him waiting in the parking lot. "Hey kiddo, how was your day?"

"Alright, I had a math test."

"How do you think you did?"

"I think I passed, Alice has been helping me out with my homework so I at least knew what I was doing."

FP smiles at that. "I'm glad you get along so well with her, I know it means a lot to her."

"She's cool, and she's super nice to me. She doesn't just see me as her boyfriends annoying kid, she actually spends time with me and tries to get to know me."

"Yeah she's pretty crazy about you, since Betty and Polly are older now they don't want to hang out with her so much, so she's pretty stoked that you do."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, of course, kid. What's up?"

"Is Alice is pregnant?"

He swears his heart stops for a moment and he nearly slams on the breaks in shock. "What?"

"I don't know, I mean she's always eating junk food, and I thought she was kind of a health nut. And I'm not trying to be mean but she's a little more... round."

FP's cheeks heat up and he just hopes that Jellybean doesn't notice. "It's just the stress of everything going on. I mean with me going to jail, Betty and Jughead giving her the silent treatment, it's got to be a lot to handle."

"That makes sense." Jellybean agrees. "So she's not pregnant?"

"No, honey." FP swallows the lie. "She's not."

"I guess that's good, I mean Betty and Jughead would probably be super childish about it."

"And what about you?" He questions. "How would you feel about it?"

"Happy. I was kinda hoping she was."


She nods. "I mean as much as I love being the baby of the family I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't enjoy having a baby brother or sister."

He smiles. "That's good to know. Maybe one day." He turns to his daughter. "Maybe don't mention any of this to Alice though, honey. I think it would upset her if you point out the fact that she's put on weight."

"Well obviously I wouldn't. And it's not like she's put on a lot of weight, it's just noticeable to me because we all live together and I see her every day. She still looks crazy good."

He smirks. "That she does."


FP watches Alice with a small smile on his face as he pulls the throw pillows off of their bed. With the way her bump has been growing, her pyjamas have gotten more difficult to fit into, and even if they do fit, she finds them so uncomfortable with how much more they cling to her body now. So, instead, she's resorted to sleeping in his t-shirts, which he is more than okay with. His shirts fit more like a short nightdress on her and she always looks incredibly cute to him.

"You staring at me over there, Jones?" She teases, looking at him through the mirror.

"Maybe," he blushes, perching himself on the end of the bed as he waits for her. "You look hot, can you blame me?"

"So do you." She smirks, getting up from her vanity and walks over to him, standing between his legs as his hands trails up her legs to her grip her hips.

"I had an interesting conversation with Jellybelly today." FP says, figuring it's best if she knows what Jellybean asked him.

"What did you two talk about?"

"Well, I don't think you're going to be too thrilled about it." She raises an eyebrow at him and sits in his lap. He wraps his arms around her middle. "Jellybean asked me if you're pregnant."

"What?" Her eyes grow wide. "Why does she think that? Did I leave my prenatal vitamins out or something?"

"No, she uh, now don't be offended by this because she's just a kid, she didn't mean it in a rude way. She just said that she's noticed you've been eating more often and she thinks you've put on a little weight."

"Well I don't blame her, I have put on some weight and I'm constantly hungry. I blame you for that."

"Why?" He chuckles in disbelief.

"Our child isn't even born yet and she has already obtained your appetite."

He smiles. "Sorry, honey." He presses a kiss to her shoulder and tightens his arms around her. "You still look beautiful though."

She turns her head to look at him with gleaming eyes. "Are you just saying that?"

"Of course not, I'm serious, babe. You're stunning." He presses a kiss to her neck. "Most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on."

"I have put on weight though."

"You're just pregnant, babe, it's natural. I think she only pointed it out because you've been wearing baggier clothing to distract from it. You're still hot as fuck, Al."


"You're always hot to me, babe. You're gorgeous, you always have been, you always will be. No matter what, you're the most gorgeous person I've ever seen."

She kisses him sweetly. "I love you."

"I love you, too." He tells her, pressing another kiss to her lips. "So much."

"Are you tired?" She mumbles, against his lips.

"No." He answers, feeling her mouth curved into a smile against his. "How come? You wanna watch a movie or something?"

She shakes her head and presses a kiss below his ear. "I want you to make love to me."

Her words send a delightful shiver down his spine and he turns his head to catch a kiss. "Yeah?" She nods and straddles his hips, ecstatic when he kisses her hungrily and bunches his hands in her nightgown.

She lifts her arms and he takes the hint, lifting it up and over her head. He tightens his arm around her waist and flips her onto her back, ready to ravish her like the goddess she is.

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