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"Are you sure dad's going to be cool with us just showing up?" Jellybean questions from the back seat.

Gladys sighs, peering into the mirror to look at her daughter. "I'm positive. You know he always loves seeing you."

"Yeah but that's when we're visiting, now we're literally just showing up and moving in."

"Honey, he'll be fine with it. He hates that we live so far away right now so I'm sure he'll be ecstatic that we're moving in."

"Whatever you say." She rolls her eyes.

Gladys sighs. As much as she would like to believe FP is going to be happy about her and Jellybean moving in with no notice, she's not really sure he will be.

Sure if it was just Jellybean he'd more than likely be fine with it, it's her she's not so sure about. Having your estranged wife move in without any notice isn't something most people would be happy about. Hopefully having JB with her will help soften the blow.

"Why do we even have to leave Toledo anyway? I mean I'm excited to see Jug and dad every day but I don't get why we're moving. It's not Toledo was bad."

Gladys thinks over a reason in her head. She can't tell her the real reason. "I miss your brother, and I miss your dad too. Who knows, maybe we'll rekindle our relationship."

Being a part of a picturesque family is much less incriminating than being a single mom working at a junkyard. It'll be easier to sell jingle jangle in Riverdale, as she's sure no one will even suspect a middle aged mom.

Now maybe she can convince FP to move to the Northside, that would really help avoid suspicion.

The front door opens almost immediately when Gladys pulls into the driveway, revealing the confused face of her son.

"Mom?" He walks down the steps to get a better look at the inhabitants of the car. Gladys steps out and smiles at him. "Oh my god, it is you." He's sprinting towards her instantly, hugging her tight.

She laughs. "Well hello to you too, kid."

"What are you doing here?"

"We're your new roommates." Jellybean informs him, stepping out of the car as well.

"Wait... really? You're staying?" His eyes are so hopeful and Gladys feels a bit guilty.

"We are." Gladys confirms. "So long as your dad doesn't give us the boot."

"No, he wouldn't! He'll be so happy you're here." He grins at them. "Come on, let's bring your bags inside."

Jughead helps them carry their bags into the trailer, beyond excited that they're here.

"Do I still have a bedroom?" Jellybean asks. "Or have you and dad made it into some kind of man cave?"

"No it's still there, just like you left it." Jughead assures her. "And mom, obviously you and dad's room is still here."

"I'm not sure if it's our room anymore, honey. We'll have to wait and see if your dad feels comfortable sharing a bed with me."

"You're married, why wouldn't he?"

Gladys smiles softly at him. "Things are just complicated, we haven't seen each other in a while."

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