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The last thing she had expected to see when she came back to Riverdale was her estranged husband locking lips with Alice Cooper.

The fact that he's clearly in a relationship really throws a wrench in her plans. She can't exactly play the role of happy little family when her husband is two-timing.

She takes a deep breath to calm herself sown, having grown angry from witnessing the couple, and then she's stepping out of her car and heading towards the door of the diner.

The bell signifies her arrival and FP turns towards the counter, ready to greet whoever just walked in, but he freezes when he locks eyes on Gladys.

"Well hey there heart-throb," she smirks, stepping towards him sassily. "Gotta say, the uniform looks good on you."

"Gladys? What are you doing here?"

"Guess who just gained two new roommates?"

He feels his stomach do a somersault. "Seriously? You and Jellybean are moving to Riverdale?"

"Yeah, she's back at the trailer with Jughead unpacking her stuff."

"You should've called, Gladys." He tells her, trying to keep his cool when he's screaming on the inside.

"Why? You got something to hide?" She asks him teasingly, wondering briefly if he really will tell her about Alice.

"No, but you and I haven't been on the best of terms, in case you've forgot. I sent you divorce papers like two months ago?"

She scoffs, waving her hand. "Yeah I got those. Kind of a slap in the face."

"Well it couldn't have been that big of a shock, you ran out to Toledo three years ago and never looked back."

"You're never going to let that go, huh?"

His mouth falls open, gaping at her. "You ran out on me and our son. You took my daughter with you. How am I supposed to just let that go, Gladys?" He walks out from behind the counter and over to one of the tables, closely followed by Gladys.

"You want an apology?" He doesn't answer her, just wipes the table top clean. "Fine, I'm sorry, FP. How's that? That acceptable to you."

He sighs and grabs her wrist in his hand, pulling her towards the emptier part of the diner. "I'm trying to work here, Gladys, so I'd appreciate if you just said what you wanted to say and left so I can avoid getting in trouble."

"Since when did you become a goody two-shoes?" She reaches out to straighten his bow tie, moving up to stroke his afterwards.

He takes her hand in his, pushing it away from his face. "Not about being a goody two-shoes, it's that trying to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table is a little hard without a job."

"Well then isn't it a good thing I showed up? Extra income."

"Please, you barely worked when you were living here three years ago, I doubt you'll be working now." He sighs. "Why did you come back? Did you lose your house out in Toledo? Are you on the run or something?"

"No, but it's nice to know you only think bad things about me."

"Well what am I supposed to think? I haven't talked to you in months, and the last time I did talk to you was just so I could ask you to hand the phone to Jellybean, and now you just show up here out of the blue? I'm bound to be a little suspicious, Gladys."

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