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"Alright, get ready for the winning word." Fred giddily says as he starts placing down letters on the scrabble board. Mary, FP and Alice watch in confusion as he creates a word none of them have heard of. "And that's game." He sits back with a smug smile on his face.

"What the hell is mandrake?" Alice questions on behalf of everyone.

Fred looks at her dumbfounded. "You know? Those creatures from Harry Potter!"

She arches an eyebrow. "So it's not a real word?"

"It is so!"

"Yeah in a fictional story, maybe, but not in real life."

"Sorry, Freddy, I gotta back her up on this one. I don't think it counts." FP tells him.

"That's it, find me the scrabble dictionary, I'm proving it you guys."

Alice rolls her eyes fondly, laughing at Fred's insistence on proving them wrong. "Well while you do that, I'm going to run to the bathroom. This baby is tap dancing on my bladder."

"See! Right here," Fred points to a spot on the page. "Mandrake: the root of a mandrake plant; used medicinally or as a narcotic."

"Fine, Fred, you and your nerd word can win this time. But I'm getting vengeance next round." FP teases, clearing the board to set up a new game.

"FP?" Alice's voice calls from afar. "Can you come here for a second?"

"Coming," he tosses the word bag to Mary. "Don't let Fred cheat."

He heads towards the guest bathroom and knocks softly. "What's up, babe?" She opens the door and he feels his stomach drop at the look on her face. "Al?"

"I don't want to scare you but I'm bleeding, not a lot but I am." She shakily tells him.

He turns white as paper, doing his best to keep a calm presence so not to scare her. "Okay, um... I'm sure everything is just fine. But we're gonna go to the hospital just to make sure, alright?"

She nods slowly, casting her eyes downwards. "What if it's not alright?"

"Let's not think about that right now, okay?" He presses a kiss to her forehead and takes her hand. "It'll be alright, honey."

He drives one handed to the hospital, his other being held in a death grip by Alice. He's sure he's lost feeling in it, but if it helps her stay calm, he doesn't mind.

"You alright, honey?" FP asks, perching himself beside her on the edge of the hospital bed.

"Scared." She tells him quietly.

"I know you are, but I'm sure everything is just fine. I mean every check up has been perfect, you're keeping our little nugget so safe and healthy. Nothing is going to happen. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation."

"I just feel like I'm being punished or something." She sighs. "I mean, when I was pregnant with Betty and Polly there were no surprises. Even when I was pregnant with Charles. Everything went smoothly. But with this pregnancy, I just feel like I can't catch a break. Maybe it's some kind of karma or something."

"Al, we didn't do anything wrong to deserve karma targeting us." He assures her. "This baby was made out of pure love, and you and I? Well I think it goes without saying that we love each other. Sure the kids are mad, and this wasn't planned, but that's not a reason for karma to mess with us. I'm telling you, Al. Everything will be just fine."

"I texted Betty," Alice admits. "She hasn't responded."

He frowns. "Did you tell her we're at the hospital?"

"No, I didn't want to scare her. I just told her to call me, that it was important. I don't exactly have high hopes for a response."

He sighs and leans over to press a kiss to her forehead, smoothing her hair back. "She'll come around, babe. I'm sure of it."

"I hope so."

"I think I saw a vending machine just down the hall? Do you want something to eat or drink? Keep your mind off of things?"

"Can you get me a water?"

"Of course." He leans his head down to capture her lips in a soft kiss. "I will be right back."

He walks out of the room, giving her a bright smile before he goes. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials Betty's phone number. No response.

He tries it again. No response.

"Come on, Betty." He grits out impatiently. Slipping some money into the vending machine and pressing the code to get a water. He dials her number again and miraculously, it doesn't go straight to voicemail. Instead he's met with Betty's angry voice on the other line.

"FP stop calling me." She growls. "I'm not answering, take the hint."

"It's your mom." He says immediately, not wanting her to hang up. The other line goes silent and for a moment he thinks he was too late. "Betty?"

"Is she okay?" She croaks out.

"I think so, there was some bleeding so we came to the hospital just to be sure. We're waiting on a doctor to come check her out." He pauses. "I know you two are mad at us, but could you put that aside for right now? She's scared, and I think it would help her if you were here."

"I'm on my way." Betty tells him immediately. "What room?"

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