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She's been incredibly stressed out lately, the pregnancy, the kids, Jellybean's suspicions, all of it taking a toll on her. FP has been amazingly helpful and understanding, he's always been able to read her well, so he can always tell when she's overwhelmed.

The kids are watching a movie, and FP is still at the construction site with Fred, giving Alice some time to herself which she's grateful for. She loves having everyone home, she really does but it's nice to have some time to herself to relax. 

She's lost in her own little world of warm water and bath-salts, so she doesn't hear the sound of the front door opening or register FP calling her name.

So when the bathroom door opens, Alice drops down quickly into the bubbles, thinking it's one of the kids. She's pleasantly surprised to see FP instead. "Oh, hi." She sighs in relief and sits up. "I thought it was one of the kids walking in on me."

"Just me." He gives her a small smile. "Sorry, I didn't know you were taking a bath, babe."

"Yeah, my back was hurting so I thought a bath would help."

"Is it?"

"Not really, it's helped a little though I suppose."

"Do you want a massage?"

"Are you offering one?" She questions with a smirk.

"Anything for you."

Her eyes gleam. "Well then I would love one."

He smiles at her. "You want me to come in the bath with you or do you want to come into the bedroom?"

"Well, as appealing as taking a bath with you sounds, the water is starting to get cold so I think the bedroom is a better choice." She decides. "Though I do think we should have a bath together sometime, maybe have some chocolate covered strawberries as well? Just relax."

He picks up her towel and offers his hand to her as she stands up. "That sounds amazing, you just tell me when." He wraps the fluffy towel around her and presses a kiss to her forehead. "Come on baby, I'll take care of you." He walks out of the bathroom into their bedroom and locks the door in case one of the kids decides to walk in. "Do you want me to use your massage oils?"

She nods as she lays down on their bed, nuzzling into the pillows. "Can you use the eucalyptus one? It's supposed to help with sore muscles."

"Sure can." He doesn't really believe all the mumbo jumbo about essential oils, but Alice does and he's not going to question her. Besides, if it makes her feel better, what's there to complain about? 

He gets the requested oil and joins her on the bed, pouring some into his hands and rubs them together before working them over her back. "How does that feel?"

"So good." She practically moans. He smiles and works his way to her lower back, knowing that's usually where her back pain resides. He softly kneads out the knots in her back and she sighs contently. "I love you."

He smiles at that. "I love you, too."

He continues his massage for a while, working out any aches and pains she could possibly have, until Alice reaches back for his hand. "You alright, babe?"

She nods, her eyes heavy. "I just want to cuddle with you."

"Well I'm all for that." He lays down on his back and opens his arms for her. "Come here."

She smiles at him and snuggles up to his side, pulling a blanket over them. "Sorry, I'm tired."

"Don't apologize. You're pregnant, you're creating a life in there, you're bound to be tired sometimes." He continues rubbing her back as she relaxes against his side.

"I know, I just feel bad. I can't imagine I'm any kind of company to you when I'm always so sleepy and whining about my back and feet hurting."

"It doesn't bother me, Al. I just wish you didn't feel so crappy."

"You help though. Rubbing my back for me, my feet, going out to get whatever food I'm craving. It makes me feel so much better."

"I'm glad." He rests his head against hers and then comes up with an idea. "Hey, you got any plans this weekend?"

"Not that I know of," she says. "Why do you ask?"

"Well I thought maybe we could take a little trip to Greendale this weekend. Get away from the stress of everything and just have some time to ourselves."

"Keep talking."

He smirks. "I'll rent us a nice hotel room, and we can go for dinner, and to the movies. Or we can just stay in our hotel room, order room service and watch ridiculously expensive movies on paper-view."

She laughs at that, leaning up on her elbows to look at him. "That sounds amazing."


She nods, leaning in to brush her lips against his. "A whole weekend to ourselves? No disturbances, no kids, just us. Sounds pretty much like Heaven."

"Well it's settled then. I'll book us a hotel tomorrow."

"You are the perfect man, you know that?"

"Yeah I do, but it's always nice to hear." He teases. She smiles devilishly and moves herself to straddle his hips, kissing him again, hungrily. "I thought you were tired?" He mumbles against her lips.

She shrugs. "I got a burst of energy." She sits up and let's the blanket fall away, her naked body on display for his eyes only. "You complaining?"

He shakes his head immediately and swiftly sits up to capture her lips again. "Not one bit."

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