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Jellybean could tell Alice wasn't okay, even though both she and her dad had told her otherwise. So when her dad told her to go to her room, she had instead taken up on the stairs, listening to the two adults talk.

Knowing that Betty and Jughead have hurt Alice so deeply breaks her heart, she's just glad her dad is there for her. It was like the second he pulled her into his arms she instantly relaxed. Jellybean has never seen two people so perfect for one another.

"Geez, knock much?" Betty growls as Jellybean storms into her bedroom.

"Why are you two being such jerks?"

"Jellybean get out of here." Jughead instructs.

"No." She tells them firmly. "Alice is downstairs in hysterics because you two have been nothing but ignorant to her and dad, especially her."

"Jellybean, you don't understand what it's like for us."

"Yes I do, it's awkward. I get that. It's awkward for me too, I'm living in the same house as all you weirdos." She rolls her eyes. "I get that you're upset and uncomfortable but do you really have to take it out on Alice? I mean, she's pregnant, it's probably not good for her to be so-"

"Jellybean! Shut. Up!" Betty shouts, catching the girl off guard. "You have no right to come in here and tell me how I can and can't feel about things. She's my mom, not yours."

"I didn't say she was my mom, I'm just saying you should be nicer to her. She's not purposely trying to hurt you."

Betty rolls her eyes. "Please, you hardly know her. Of course you'd think that." She walks over to Jellybean and guides her over to her door by her shoulders. "She's gone too far this time, and I'm done sitting idly by while she continuously ruins my life. Now get the hell out of my room." She slams the door in her face and Jellybean hears the click of the lock.

With a sigh, she walks downstairs, finding her dad and Alice on the couch. Her head on his shoulder as he absentmindedly strokes his fingers through her hair.

"Can I sit with you guys?" Jellybean asks, catching both of their attention.

Alice smiles brightly at her. "Of course." She straightens herself up so she's not so cuddled into FP, not wanting to make Jellybean uncomfortable.

Jellybean happily takes the spot next to Alice, her eyes falling down to her stomach.

"You can feel if you'd like to?" She offers, laughing softly when she sees the startled expression on Jellybean's face. "I can see you staring, and I know you're curious."

Jellybean blushes. "Yeah, sort of. Sorry."

"Don't apologize, honey. I just don't want you to be weirded out by it."

"I'm not, it's just... I don't know, strange I guess? I can't believe you're having a baby, and none of us even knew? Does anyone else know?"

"Fred, Mary, and Pop Tate."

"Kinda shocked Fred was able to keep it a secret." Jellybean jokes. "Does she move?"

"Yeah, she moves a lot. She loves to kick."

"Can I feel?" She asks, apprehensively. She's never known anyone who's been pregnant, let alone felt a baby kick in the womb.

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