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"Hey Bean, whatcha watching?" FP asks as he walks into the living room.

"The Princess Bride."

"Oh, good movie. Mind if I watch?"

Jellybean nods her head and gestures for him to sit next to her. "Where are you and Alice going again?"

"The bank." It's the easiest excuse whenever they have a doctors appointment for her and the baby.


FP laughs. It's hardly going to be boring, they get to find out whether they're welcoming a baby girl or a baby boy, and he couldn't be more excited to find out.

Alice comes downstairs shortly after and smiles at Jellybean and FP watching a movie together. "What are you two watching?"

"The Princess Bride." Jellybean answers.

"Well that's fun. Sadly though, I've gotta steal your dad from you."

"That's okay, you guys have to go do boring adult stuff together."

Alice smiles. "We'll be back shortly, sweetheart."

"Baby's heartbeat is strong." The doctor tell FP and Alice as the soft thudding sound fills the room.

"That's always good to hear." FP grins, giving Alice's hand a squeeze.

"Looks like he or she is growing like a weed."

"Well I'd hope so, I'm pretty much always eating." Alice jokes, looking at their baby on the ultrasound screen.

"Would you like to know the gender?"

"Yes please." They answer eagerly.

"You're having a baby girl." The doctor announces with a smile. "Congratulations."

"A girl?" Alice tears up immediately, looking towards FP who's eyes are transfixed on the screen, on their little angel. "Honey, we're having a girl."

"I'll give you two a moment." The doctor excuses herself from the room.

FP smiles. "A girl. A little mini you."

"Well hopefully looks wise, I was a little terror as a child." She teases.

"I wasn't much better, I think we're in for a wild ride either way."

"I wouldn't want it any other way." She smiles brightly at him and tugs gently on his collar to bring him in for a kiss.

"It's so crazy to me Alice, I just can't wrap my head around it. That's our baby, we're having a baby." FP says in amazement as he stares at the ultrasound print.

Alice smiles as she curls into his side, resting her head on his chest. "It's pretty amazing, huh?"

"I never thought this would happen for us, Al. I mean, I always hoped it would, but after we went our separate ways, I just kinda lost hope."

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