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Just a heads up that the majority of this chapter is flashbacks, they're very important to this part! Enjoy!

If you had of told either of them last year, that they'd be lying in bed together right now, wrapped in bedsheets, they would've told you you were insane.

This wasn't high school, they had their chances and they blew it, they moved on. No point in digging up old wounds that have healed.

But that's exactly what happened.

It was a surprise to both of them, but it felt so natural. It happened so quickly, one moment, they were standing outside her car in the parking lot of Pop's Chocklit Shoppe, and the next they were in her backseat, undressing each other and finding fireworks.

They had deemed it a heat of the moment thing, a moment of passion, after all, they were arguing before it happened.

And when Fred Andrews pulled into the lot shortly after, they had told him that exact story, that they were fighting.

It seemed like he bought it, at least to the two flustered adults standing awkwardly next to one another. Fred however knew much more than he let on, he always seemed to know what was going on with them before they did.

"FP." Alice giggles as FP attacks her neck with kisses, interspersed with little nips. He had come over after his shift ended, content with the knowledge that the kids were accounted for and that he and Alice would be alone without the risk of being caught.

"I've missed you." He mumbles against her throat, pressing a soft kiss just below her ear. "The kids haven't been going out as much, I haven't been able to see you."

"It's exam season," Alice sighs, lost in the feel of his lips on her. "I suppose we should just be happy they're studying and taking their education seriously."

"I am," FP agrees, pulling away from her neck in favour of leaning back against the couch to look at her. She's a vision, sitting their in his lap, lips pouty from their kisses, hair messy from his hands, her eyes sparkling in the sunlight. He'll never understand what he did to deserve her back in his life, he just knows he's grateful for every moment they have together. "However, I think they should study at the library, together, so that I can spend some time studying you." He smooths his hands up her sides, letting them rest low on her back.

Alice smiles, rolling her eyes fondly. "That is very cheesy." She teases, drawing her fingers up through his hair. "You're lucky you're cute."

He smirks. "You think I'm cute?"

"Mmm," She thinks on it for a moment, wrapping her arms around his neck and rubbing her nose against his, teasing him by keeping her lips just out of reach from his. "I suppose I do." She kisses him slowly, feeling his hands slip under her shirt, fingers tracing her spine. "We do have a little longer before Betty gets home, we should make the most of it, don't you think?"

He grins, getting a better grip on her and flipping her over and onto her back. "Read my mind." He kisses her slowly, getting lost in the feeling of her lips against his, that is, until someone knocks on her front door.

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