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Alice's nostrils are filled with the delightful scent of whatever FP is cooking. Betty and Jughead had offered to come over for dinner, the first time all of them would be together since the teens left, and FP had offered to make dinner so Alice could relax. He could tell she was nervous as soon as he told her the kids agreed to come, and figured it was the least he could do, that and give her a foot massage.

"Whatever you're making smells amazing." She tells him, wrapping her arms around him from behind and peaking around his arm to watch. "What are you making anyway?"

"Lasagna." He picks up a note card and shows it to her. "I was looking through your recipe box and thought this was the one option I wouldn't mess up."

She smiles. "You're cute so I don't mind if you mess up."

"So you think I'm cute?" He smirks and turns around, circling his arms around her.

"I do," she confirms with a kiss. "But don't tell my boyfriend that, he might get jealous."

He laughs. "Deal." He turns back to the stove, curling his arm around her shoulders to keep her close. "You excited for the kids to come over?"

"Excited, nervous, terrified. A little of everything."

"You said you and Betty patched things up, I'm sure it'll all go smoothly."

"I know, and we did, I'm just scared it was only because she was worried about me."

"Honey, she wouldn't have suggested coming over if she was still upset, it'll be just fine."

"You're right," she sighs, tightening her arms around him. "I hate that."

He chuckles. "I have my moments."

"Betty and Jughead just pulled into the driveway!" Jellybean announces from the living room. She's been super excited since they told her Jughead and Betty were coming to dinner.

"It's cute how excited she is." Alice says.

"Right? It's a nice change from them calling each other names and arguing. They can be sweet to each other when they wanna be." He leans his head down to brush his lips against hers and turns down the heat on the stove. "Come on, let's go greet the hooligans."

"You know, when you told me FP was making dinner I was a little worried but I'm actually impressed." Betty teases.

"Hey I'm a good cook!" FP defends, earning knowing stares from the people at the table. "Alright fine, maybe I'm not. But I can follow a recipe."

"You sure can, honey." Alice adds with a laugh. "You did a great job."

"You all act so surprised."

"Not surprised, just... actually yeah, no, surprised is correct." Jughead says. "However, you do make really good bacon."

"Maybe you two can come over for breakfast tomorrow and I'll cook some up?"

"Or we can stay the night?" Betty suggests, catching both FP and Alice off guard. "I mean if that's okay."

"Yeah, of course it's okay. We'd love that." FP tells the kids with a big smile.

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