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Pregnancy cravings seem to always hit the hardest in the middle of the night, Alice come to find out. She's found herself waking up in the wee hours of the night and sneaking down to the kitchen for anything that will satisfy her cravings enough to go back to bed.

It's anything from potato chips, to ice cream, to cold pizza. But tonight she finds herself gnawing her way through a brand new package of Oreos as she flips through a magazine.

She's so lost in her own little world, that she doesn't even register the sound of someone's footsteps on the stairs, that is until they speak.

"Al?" FP's groggy, sleep filled voice speaks from behind her.

She jumps, startled, and quickly hides the cookies away with flushing cheeks. "Oh hi, what are you doing up?"

"Could ask the same to you." He answers tiredly. "It's two in the morning, is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine." She assures him. Hoping he doesn't notice the lump under her robe where she's stashed the cookies.

"Mhm." He raises an eyebrow at her and takes the seat beside her at the island counter. "Is that why you're hiding something under your clothes?"

She rolls her eyes, pulling the Oreos out with a defeated sigh. "You caught me."

He smiles, reaching out to grab a cookie himself. "You got up in the middle of the night to come eat cookies and you didn't even invite me? A little hurt, not gonna lie." He teases.

"Well you're here now, maybe you can help me practice some self control so I don't eat the entire package."

"Baby woke you up with cravings, I take it?"

"Every night."

He smiles again and places his hand on the small swell beneath her shirt. "Our little one likes Oreos, huh?"

"Oreos, pizza, potato chips, you name it."

"Better than some people's cravings. I've heard that some people will dip pickles in peanut butter."

Alice's face scrunches up in disgust. "I'm definitely not craving that. Though some cheese fries sound delicious right about now."

"Cheese fries?"

She nods. "And onion rings, chocolate milkshake-"

"Chocolate? I thought you were a vanilla girl."

"Well baby likes chocolate," she replies, resting her hand over FP's on her stomach. "He or she really takes after you I guess."

"Fine by me." He leans over to press a kiss to her bump and then he's getting up from his seat and extending his hand to Alice.

She looks at him with confusion, not budging from her seat. "What?"

"We're going to go get you cheese fries, onion rings, whatever your heart desires."

"It's two in the morning." She reminds him.

He shrugs. "Pop's is open twenty four hours. Do you want those cheese fries or not?"

She smiles giddily and takes his hand. "Yes please."

"Alright, cheese fries, onion rings, two deluxe burgers, and a chocolate shake." Pop reads back the order as he places their food in front of them. "Anything else I can get you?"

FP laughs as Alice's eyes light up at the spread in front of her. "That's all for now I think, thanks Pop."

Alice pulls the cheese fries closer to her side of the booth and pops one into her mouth with a heavenly look on her face. "God I love you."

He chuckles. "Are you talking to me or the fries?"

"You. But the fries are a close second." She answers, gesturing to the plate. "Do you want some?"

He shakes his head. "Nah, they're all yours, babe."

"Alright, but don't say I didn't ask." She teases.

He smiles at the sight of her, still in pyjamas, makeup free, completely care-free and peaceful. He loves moments like this. Moments where they can just be themselves and not have to worry about hiding anything from anyone.

"So you never did tell me why you came upstairs?" Alice reminds him.

He shrugs, taking a bite of his burger. "I heard some rustling and just wanted to see what it was."

She narrows her eyes at him. "You sure you weren't coming up to have a late night snack too?"

"No, but now that I know you've been doing it I might have to start waking up more often so I can join you."

She smiles brightly at him. "Next time I'll wake you up."

"You better, you know I'm always down for a snack break. Of course, you're my favourite snack of all."

She rolls her eyes fondly and he smirks. "Trying to get lucky, Jones?"

"Already am, Smith."

Her cheeks turn pink and she casts her eyes down at her food. "No one's ever done this for me before."

"Taken you to Pop's?"

"No, I mean, brought me out in the middle of the night just so I could have whatever silly food I have a craving for." She sighs. "No one's ever loved me as unconditionally as you do. I mean, did you ever think we'd be where we are right now?"

He shakes his head, leaning back against the booth. "No. I always hoped we would, but after we ended things and you moved on with Hal, it just seemed so impossible."

"And you're really happy about this? About us, and the baby?" Her eyes are shiny with tears as she asks the question and he knows it's the hormones that are making her doubt but it still breaks his hear nonetheless.

He nods and stands up to move over to her side of the booth, curling an arm around her shoulder and pressing a kiss to her temple. "I haven't been this happy in a long, long time. Believe me, Alice, that's not ever going to change." He tells her, sneaking a fry from her plate.

"I'm sorry, I know it's a silly question. I know you love me and I know you love the baby, it's just-"

"You worry sometimes." He answers for her and she nods, breathing a sigh of relief that he gets it. "I promise you, I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me." He promises, kissing her softly.

She smiles and rests her forehead against his. "I love you." She whispers. "Though if you still another one of my fries I may have to rethink that."

"Sorry, sorry, they looked good." He defends with a chuckle, pushing the plate closer to her.

"They are," she answers, taking one for herself. "I asked if you wanted some though, and you declined, so paws off mister."

He laughs and rests against the booth with a content smile on his face, wishing things could always be as simple as they are at two a.m.

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