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"Would you just tell me where we're going?" Alice asks for the hundredth time as she sits in the passenger seat. FP had told her to put on something nice because they were going somewhere, but refused to tell her where. Jellybean had handed her a blindfold once they got in the car, insisting she put it on, much to Alice's dismay.

"It's a surprise." FP reminds her.

"I don't like surprises."

"You always say that, it's not that you hate surprises, you just don't like not knowing every little detail."

She ignores the statement, she knows he's right but there's no way she'll admit that. "Can you at least tell me if we're almost there?"

She hears FP and Jellybean share a chuckle. "Yes, Al, we're almost there. Actually, we're about to pull in."

"Pops? You blindfolded me to take me to Pop's?"

FP whips his head around, finding that Alice has taken off her blindfold. "You peeked!"

"I'm sorry! I was curious."

"Put it back on." He pouts. "I still want to surprise you."

"Fine, fine." She brings the blindfold back up to her eyes. "Jellybean, honey, could you help me out here?"

Jellybean ties the blindfold again as FP parks. "Now don't take it off until we tell you to." Jellybean teases.

FP walks around to the passenger side of the truck and helps Alice out, offering his arm to her to lead her inside. Jellybean trails behind them, eager to see Alices reaction to her surprise.

The bell above the door rings and shortly after she feels FP undoing the blindfold. As soon as it's off she sees all of their close friends gathered, the diner decorated with pink balloons and streamers. "Surprise!" Everyone yells in unison, bringing a wide grin to Alice's face.

"What is this?" She questions giddily.

"A surprise baby shower." Fred explains. "You refused to let me throw one you knew about so I figured I'd surprise you."

"And you two were in on this?" She asks FP and Jellybean.

They nod. "We were in charge of getting you here. The set up is all Fred and Mary's doing."

"And Pop of course," Fred adds. "He was kind enough to let us use the diner."

"Well thank you, all of you. This is so incredibly sweet."

"Well we figured since you both had children so long ago you might be lacking some stuff." Sierra tells them. "Plus I'm a sucker for buying baby clothes, so I couldn't resist."

"I appreciate all of this, thank you all so much."

"Oh my goodness, this is adorable." Alice coos, holding up a tiny pair of overalls. "You think we can find your pair of overalls from high school? You two could match." Alice teases FP.

"Remind me to burn those when we get home." FP whispers to Jellybean, earning a jab in the side from Alice's elbow.

Alice picks up a onesie from the gift bag, and laughs. "Yeah, this is definitely Fred's present."

FP peaks over to read it. "'I get my looks from my mommy'. Yeah, that says Fred all over it."

"Just speaking the truth."

Alice rolls her eyes, fondly. "Well thank you, all of you. I know I've said it a hundred times, but this really does mean a lot to us that you're all so supportive. This baby is going to be so, so loved."

"And very well dressed." Sierra adds, holding her punch glass up.

Alice smiles. "I'm going to get a drink," she tells FP. "Do you want anything?"

"I'll get it for you, babe." He insists, standing up from his seat.

"No, really I don't mind. I want to stretch my legs a little anyway."

"Alright, if you insist." He gives her a kiss and sits back down, looking over the assortment of baby clothes and toys.

Alice hums quietly to herself as she pours herself a glass of punch. "Alice?" Pop gathers her attention.

"Hi, Pop. Thank you again for letting us use the diner."

"Of course, it's my pleasure." He reaches his hand back and pulls an envelope out of his pocket. "I didn't want to disturb the party, but I do have something for you."

Alice perks an eyebrow up as she opens the envelope, her eyes widening when she finds a cheque inside addressed to she and FP. "Oh Pop, this is too generous."

He shrugs. "I didn't know what you had and didn't have, so rather than buying you something you already own or won't use, I figured you could pick out something yourself. Or put it away for a rainy day, whatever you want."

"Pop, you didn't have to give us anything." Alice assures him. "Believe me, you've done enough as it is."

"I know I didn't have to, I wanted to. I've always known you two would find your way back together, I wanted to do something, no matter how small."

"This is anything but small." Alice reminds him with a laugh, her face softening into a sweet smile. "I don't even know what to say. Thank you just doesn't seem to cut it."

"It's my pleasure."

She steps forward to hug the man who's known her since she and FP were just two messy teenagers from the Southside of town, a man who's been there for both of them, and a man who's diner brought them the refuge they needed when things got tough.

As she looks around the diner, she realizes just how lucky she is. There are so many people in she and FP's life who love and care about them, and she couldn't be more grateful to have them.

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