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Jimins pov
(The next morning)

I turn to the door to see Jin and taehyung walk in, I smirk and then turn back to cleaning up, I hear Jin growl "jimin we need to talk" I know exactly what about as well, I turn back to them and cross my arms "sure what's up hyung?"

Jin crosses his arms "I need you to stay away from jungkook" I tilt my head "and why is that??" Yoongi walks in and intturrupts "that boy is terrified of you...." I shrug "so? Lots of people are scared of me"  taehyung nods "in still scared of you" I nod "see, so why is this boy any different?"

Jin sighs "jimin....his past is horrible....he's had bad encounters with's not that I don't trust you....but I can't risk him being friends with you.... especially after what you did to rosé" I growl "she deserved it! She went ahead and cheated on me!" Jin nods "and another reason I don't want you two to be close is because rosé is one of jungkooks friends"

I smirk "I see, are they together?" Taehyung scoffs "as if! Jungkook is gay as fuck!" Jin elbows his side making him wince "what?! He is!" I chuckle and look at Jin who looks back at me "fine....but you hurt him jimin I will have your head on a stick....he is fragile and he-"

"Would appreciate if you didn't talk about him behind his back!" We all gasp a little and look at the door, the cute boy from yesterday stands there with his arms crossed....he looked so cute! He is in some shorts (I think) some thigh-high black socks and a hoodie that has bunny ears and a bunny tail attached,the hoodie is huge on him so I can't see if he's actually wearing shorts. he was also in a choker.

Jin sighs "jungkook i-" jungkook shakes his head "no I don't think I want an explanation! can't just tell people to stay away from me hyung....if I don't want to be close to someone I'll tell them" taehyung intturrupts "how long have you been there?" He looks at taehyung "long enough to hear your turns out my teacher was ill so I thought id suprise you and come and visit again..."

I chuckle and then walk into the back room, yoongi follows Me, I sit at my desk and listen to jungkook yelling at Jin and taehyung. What happened with a vampire before??

I get cut off by a bang from the front, I look at yoongi, we both walk out to see jungkook looking scared, hiding behind a now knocked over table and somebody else walking into the shop, taehyung gasps and slowly moves over to me and whispers "that's the vampire" I nod

"Hello sir how can we help you today?" The man looks at me "who the hell are you?" I growl quietly " jimin nice to meet you, the owner of this shop, now you're either in here to get a piercing or tattoo or you get out...your scaring my coustomers" the man looks around the shop and smirks as he spots jungkook

The man slowly walks over to jungkook, I growl loudly "step away from the boy" the man looks at me and shows his fangs "this boy is mine!" My eyes turn even more red than normal and I show my fangs "and now he's mine so BACK OFF!" The man's eyes widen "p-p-park" I walk over to jungkook and nod "now step away from the boy"

The man looks at jungkook "you won't be around your vampire all the time, remember who you belong to kid" the man then rips the choker off jungkook, my eyes widen....a bite mark...that asshole!!

I grab the choker from the man and grab his throat "you are a disgrace to our kind! You shouldn't just take a innocent boys blood!! I never want you near him again understand me?! Or I will make sure you rot in hell!!!!" The man grabs my hand trying to get away, I chuck him on the floor "now get out of my shop" he glares at jungkook who was now crying and then walks out the shop.

I look at jungkook, my eyes turn their normal shade of red and my fangs disappear, I crouch down to jungkook "you're okay now little one" he looks at me "y-y-you're one of them..." I sigh and nod "yes....but I won't hurt you...I promise" I hold out his choker "can I get rid of this for you???" I place my hand on his neck where the bite mark is, he flinches

I move my hand away, he looks at me "you can heal it???" I sigh "not exactly....but if I do something else that one will heal...but I'll have to bite you after to make sure no other vampires hurt you..." His eyes widen "y-y-you h-have to bite me?" I nod "If you don't want me to then I won't... you'll just have to stay near me all the time so I can protect you from pricks like him"

Taehyung sighs "jungkook, jimin will take good care of you...his bites won't hurt you as much as..his"

Jungkook nods "then bite me..." I tilt my head, me and Jin gasp "what? Really?" Jungkook looks up at Jin and nods "if I let him bite me then he won't bug me anymore because they fear's my only option hyung..." Jin sighs "okay..."

Jungkook looks at me "this won't hurt me?" I shake my head "it'll hurt at the start, but like a needle" he nods and then closes his eyes, I put my hand where the bite mark was and close my eyes. Everyone was silent and we're all looking at us, i open my eyes and they go white, I heal the wound so there would be a small scar there, I then move my hand, my eyes go back to their normal shade of red

Jungkook opens his eyes, I look at him "you sure you want me to do this??" He nods "yes.." yoongi puts his hand on my shoulder "wait a minute jimin....let him calm down first" I nod, jungkook takes a deep breath and looks down. I hesitate but sit on the floor and pull him into my lap and run my hand up and down his back calming him down

He looks at me and blushes a little and leans his head on my shoulder "do it..." I hesitate but nod, I lean down to his neck and find a sweet spot so it won't hurt him, if anything it'll pleasure him. I lick it a little, he grips my shirt tightly, my fangs show and they pierce the skin on his neck, he winces a little and grips my shirt tighter.

His blood tastes so sweet...I taste some of his blood and then pull away beofore I make him uncomfortable or hurt him, he keeps his head on my shoulder, I see blood dripping down his neck, I hesitate but lick it making him giggle a little "that tickled" I smile a little and make him look at me "there you go, technically by vampire law, you are now mine...but you are your own person so you can go and do whatever you like...however you must see me at least once a day okay?"

Jungkook nods "of course....thank you jimin.... can't mark anyone else now....I read in a fanfic once that once a vampire marks someone they can't mark another unless the person they marked before dies or leaves....that means you can't mark your girlfriend" I laugh a little "jungkook 1) I don't have a girlfriend and 2) you're jin-hyungs child, jin-hyung is my employee and friend and I protect my friends, so now I will protect you...."

Jungkook sighs and looks down "sorry for being such a bother...." I chuckle and then stand up still holding him in my arms "don't apologise....look at it like this....I'm protecting you....don't worry about if I can mark another person.... relationships aren't really my thing anyways..."

Jungkook nods and then climbs down, he grabs his choker and then puts his hand on his neck, he sighs and puts the choker back on so it's covered and then looks at jin-hyung "guess your plan didn't work out?? Keeping me away from jimin" I chuckle, jin nods "I'm just glad that you are 100% gonna be safe now....jimin is a very powerful vampire so will protect you....I'm sorry for doubting that jimin"

I shrug "it's fine...lots and lots of people think that about vampires....but now jungkook will be protected by me at all times..." Jungkook hugs me "thank you jimin..." My eyes widen a little but I then hug back "you're welcome jungkook" I hear hoseok giggle "he's going soft~" I growl "shut it sunshine" he giggles "sorry boss"

Jungkook giggles....omg he's so cute....his giggles are so fucking adorable....his bunny smile ...his eyes also hold the whole galaxy!.........shit.....I'm going soft....

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