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((a/n: this will be a huge timeskip cause my head hurts and this is all I can come up with...sorry💜))

1 year later

Jungkooks pov

I giggle sitting below a tree watching my hyungs playing around. I see yoongi Looking down. I stand up and walk to him "hyung are you okay?" He sighs "it's been a whole year....and he still isn't back..." I tilt my head "who isn't back? Did you lose someone?"

He sighs "I wish you would remember....he meant to much to you" I sigh "hyung....I don't know who you're talking about....I'm sorry" I step back and be nods "yeah....those fucking doctors didn't make you remember....they did the fucking opposite"

I sit down with him "this person seemed really important...did they die?" He shakes his head "he's my brother and be was taken away....he was the one who gave you this" he puts his hand on a bite mark on my neck.

My eyes widen "he did?....b-but why can't I remember?" He shrugs "I don't know...maybe the day when he comes back you'll had a lot of memories together....he would be so happy to see yo- OW!"

My eyes widen when a stone is chucked at him. We both look from where it came and his eyes widen "YOU BITCH!" He stands up and runs towards them I stand up and tilt my head

 We both look from where it came and his eyes widen "YOU BITCH!" He stands up and runs towards them I stand up and tilt my head

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My eyes widen "w-why does he seem so familiar" he looks at me and his eyes widen "baby?" He walks towards me. I stop him "s-stop! W-who are you?!" He stops walking and I see sadness in his eyes "w-what?"

I shake my head "you seem so familiar but i-i don't know you!" The others run over and gasp but the man stops them, he sighs and puts his hand on my cheek making my breath hitch and my heart beat faster "I was your Boyfriend"

I gasp "b-but w-why can't I remember you?" He sighs "Abigail removed the memories...." I tear up "i-im so sorry! I-i wish I could remember you! I-im trying t-to!!" He rubs my cheek with his thumb "hey....calm down"

Tears roll down my cheeks "y-you feel so familiar! L-like I should be with you! B-but I don't know who you are!" He sighs "then we'll have to start over" he steps back and holds his hand out "I'm park jimin" my eyes widen and I then shake his hand "jeon jungkook..."

Why does he sound so familiar and his touch feels so he will protect me....l-like I'm supposed to be in his arms


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