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🔞Smut warning🔞

Jimins pov

Me and jungkook arrive back home and I chuckle when jungkook jumps on my back "you happier now?" I nod "yeah I guess...it took my mind off everything" he jumps down and then shuts the door with his foot "well....want me to make you happier?~", I look at him shocked "you meant that?",

He giggles and nods "yeah? Come on! I have an idea!" He grabs my hand and pulls me to the bedroom. I gasp a little when he pushes me onto the bed so I'm sat on the edge of the bed. He looks at me "I don't like it when you're sad" I smile a little "everyone's sad at some points"

He Huff's "well I don't like you sad" he then gets on his knees in front of me, I look at him shocked "you're gonna-" he cuts me off and nods "I want daddy's milk~" my eyes widen and I then smirk "where did your innocence go babyboy~"

He licks his lips "how can I be innocent with a hot Boyfriend like you~" I chuckle "suck me then baby~ make daddy feel good~" he smirks and then undoes my jeans.i tangle my hand in his hair and he then pulls my underwear down and gulps a little

I smirk "not so confident now are we babyboy~" he bites his lip "I can take it~" he then licks from my base up to the tip making me groan "shit~" he then swirls his tounge around my tip and I grip his hair tightly. He stops for a second and my eyes widen "s-shit~" when he then takes all my member in and I feel my cock hitting the back of his throat

He gags a little and then moves back off my member. I bite my lip "don't you want daddy's milk babyboy~" he nods and then takes me all in again bobbing his head up and down swirling his tounge around my tip, I tug his hair a little making him moan a little.

I then thrust into his mouth having a tight grip on his hair. He gags a little but I continue to thrust into his mouth moaning "y-you're so good baby boy!~" he swirls his tounge around my tip and then he puts his hands on my thighs and moves his head faster "s-shit babyboy~ so good~"

He looks up at me and I lick my lips a little "ready to drink up of all daddy's milk?~" he nods a little and I then continue to thrust into his mouth making him gag a little, he had saliva running down his chin, I groan and then release into his mouth. He pulls off my cock and gags a little but swallows all that was in his mouth.

He had saliva and cum down his chin but he just stares at me with lust filled eyes. I smirk "you want daddy's cock inside you babyboy?~" he nods, I smirk "tell me exactly what you want babyboy~"

He licks his lips "i-i want you to fill me up~ I want to be like you! Change me into a vampire~ fill me up with your thick cock~" I smirk "as you wish~" he stands up and then we both undress fully.

He straddles me and then kisses me deeply, I line my member up with his enterance and then stop, he whines "just put it in~ I don't need to be stretched!  Please~ take me~" my eyes widen a little and I then line my member up and he slowly sinks down on it "nnghh~"

He stops moving his hips and kisses me again, I kiss back and then put my hands on his hips, he begins to move his hips slowly, I pull away from the kiss and smirk "I know you can move those hips faster~" he looks at me and then begins to move his hips bouncing on my cock.

I then thrust up meeting his hips making him gasp "a-ah~ d-daddy~ b-bite me~" I smirk a little "alright baby but you have to bite have some of my blood after alright?" He whines continuing to bounce on my cock. I grip his hips tightly and then bite down on his neck feeling his blood fill my mouth

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