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Jimins pov

I tell jungkook I have one more appointment.....I really don't....all these people who have hurt him must die a slow and painful death......
I look at yoongi who nods "just be careful jimin" I roll my eyes and then jump out the window landing perfectly on my feet.

I got yoongi to find the people who hurt my baby today and I'm gonna go pay them and their families a little visit today...

First is minhyuk~
I walk to his address and knock on the door. A woman opens the door and gasps a little "hello....how can I help you?" I fake a smile "does minhyuk live here? We're old friends" she nods "of course....come in, his room is up the stairs to the left alright?"

I nod and follow the directions and enter the room and chuckle "hello minhyuk oh and jooheon as well?.... double reward~"
They both look at me and their eyes widen "who are you?!"
I close the door and lock it.

I walk towards them "you know jeon jungkook correct?" Minhyuk nods "yeah....he's that pathetic fag in school why the fuck do you wanna know?"
I growl a little "because his vampire Boyfriend is trying to find you to rip you to shreds"

Minhyuk gasps "you're here to warn us? Thanks dude but my eomma won't let a vampire into the house....they're disgusting and are all monsters"
I raise an eyebrow "she let one in~"

They both gasp and look around the room, my eyes turn pitch black and i smirk "hello boys~"

They both gasp and look around the room, my eyes turn pitch black and i smirk "hello boys~"

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Jooheon gasps "MONSTER!!!" I shake my head "I'm not a monster....I'm simply just a protective Boyfriend....you hurt my baby....and now I'll teach you the phrase....treat others how you want to be treated"

Minhyuk glares at me "I'm not scared of you! He picks up a broken ruler from his desk and points it at me "I'll kill you!" I nod "uh hu....good luck with that buddy"
I use my vampire speed and move so I'm now behind them both. They both look shocked and confused staring at the place where i once stood

I chuckle darkly "don't touch what's mine" they both turn around quickly. I grab jooheons neck with a tight grip and i grab minhyuks hair not letting either of them go.
My fangs show.
I move to minhyuks neck "are you gonna stop being a dick to my baby?"

He nods quickly "yes! I'll do anything! Just don't hurt me!" I smirk "I'm not gonna hurt you~.......I'm gonna kill you" he screams in pain when my fangs pierce his skin and I drink his blood.
Jooheon looks at his now dead best friend.

I drop minhyunks body to the ground and smirk looking at jooheon "you also hurt my baby....didn't you?" He shakes his head vividly "no I would never!"
I smirk when the door bursts open revealing minhyuks mother pointing a gun at me.

She gasps "put him down now you monster!!!" I smirk and dig my fangs deep into jooheons neck killing him as well.
I let his body drop to the floor and I look at the woman "whoops~"

She glares at me and I gasp a little when she pulls the trigger.














I smirk and hold the bullet between my index finger and thumb.
I giggle "too slow~" she shoots again and I catch this bullet as well.

She continues to shoot and I either dodge them all or catch them.....except for the last bullet....
It hits my chest.
I fall backwards and hear the woman sigh "finally....it's gone"

I laugh and stand up, I pull my shirt up to where the bullet is. I then pull the bullet out my chest and hold it up it's covered in my blood.....but you can have all of these back....I don't really want them" her eyes widen when I put a bullet in my hand and then flick it towards her and it hits her directly between the eyes.

She falls to the floor also dead......I didn't wanna kill her....but oh well.....should have taught her son not to bully....

I look at my outfit seeing blood all over it. I groan "ah fuck......I'll have to deal with all the other assholes another day"
I walk out the house and use my vampire speed to get back to the tattoo parlor. I walk in thought the shop door.

I chuckle nervously when I see jungkook stood there like he waiting for me with his arms crossed.
I smile innocently "hello baby" he rolls his eyes "don't 'hello baby' me park jimin.....why are you covered in blood?"

I sigh "I kinda....y'know....killed the boys who bullied you" his eyes widen and then he sighs walking to me. He slaps the side of my head "DON'T leave me alone for long again understand?" I nod.

He then smiles and wraps his arms around my neck "thank you jimin....you didn't need to kill them but thank you.....I love you so so much" I chuckle "I love you so so so much too baby....those assholes won't annoy you anymore"

He then kisses my cheek and walks into the back room.
Jin looks at me "how the fuck did you not die??!! Jungkook was stood like he was fucking pissed!" Taehyung nods "the last time he stood like that because of me I got my nose broken!"

I chuckle "I guess he loves me~" taehyung rolls his eyes "whatever" Jim glares at me "he loves me more!"
I chuckle more "I can see that....yeah that's probably true"
We all jump when jungkook screams and yells "PARK JIMIN!!!!!!!"
yoongi groans "what did you do now jimin?"

I shrug "not sure.....I've done a lot recently" Jungkook yells again "WHY IS THERE BLOOD ON EVERY PIECE OF CLOTHING IN THIS ROOM?!!!!?"
i chuckle when he walks out with his arms crossed pouting "I forgot to clean those ones....plus....they're the ones I use when I have to hurt or kill someone"

He Huff's "I just wanted one of your hoodies" I chuckle "there is a clean one in my office....top draw alright?" He nods and walks into my office

Two assholes down....who else do I need to hurt????

The Vampire In Broad Daylight (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now