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Jungkooks pov

"So let me get this straight jungkook.....You agreed to go on a date with jimin....and it's in two hours....and you haven't started getting changed yet?!" Jin and taehyung stand in front of me.

I nod "yeah? It doesn't take me two hours to get ready"
Jin glares at me. I huff "fine! Look....I'll go have a shower...and you two pick my outfit... alright?", They nod

Jeez and they wonder why I don't tell them these things.... because they go crazy about how I look and what I's ridiculous!

I walk into the bathroom and have a shower.

I take about 30 minutes in the shower and then get out and wrap myself in a towel.
I gasp when Jin grabs my arm and pulls me into the bedroom and then chucks clothes at me. I huff and change into them

 I huff and change into them

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With some black converse.
Taehyung smirks "you look amazing! Now makeup!!" He pulls me to my desk and puts makeup on me

Taehyung smirks "you look amazing! Now makeup!!" He pulls me to my desk and puts makeup on me

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Jin styles my hair nicely.
I close my eyes and drift off into sleep for a while.

I jump awake when someone screams. I stand up quickly and see taehyung laughing. I huff "don't do that!" He chuckles  "alright alright sorry!....jimins here by the way" my eyes widen "what?!" Taehyung nods "he's in the lounge getting a lecture by Jin"

I huff and grab my bag and the. Run downstairs and giggle when I see Jin basically yelling at jimin, jimin looks at me and smirks brushing his hair back with his hand

 Run downstairs and giggle when I see Jin basically yelling at jimin, jimin looks at me and smirks brushing his hair back with his hand

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The Vampire In Broad Daylight (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now