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Jimins pov

My eyes widen seeing Jungkooks eyes open, he looks at me and tears roll down my cheeks "h-hyung.." I nod "I'm coming baby! This is gonna hurt but it'll be over soon okay?" He shakes his head "i-i c-cant-" he screams in pain when my sister appears and leans against the barrier.

I grab her and pull her away from it and growl pinning her against the tree "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU ABIGAIL?!" She laughs "he changed you brother!!! So I'm getting rid of him so you can come home!! Be evil again!" I glare at her "let.him.go!" She shakes her head "no!! You're my younger brother jimin!! Didn't you learn anything from me?!"

I nod "I learned one thing from you" she smirks and I grip her throat and my eyes turn fully black "I learned how to get what I want! Now LET.HIM.GO BEFORE I DO SOMETHING I WONT REGRET!" Her eyes widen "you wouldn't-" I growl "don't fucking test me"

Abigail smirks "I'll let him go!! IF you come back home....if not~ say goodbye to your Boyfriend~" she snaps her fingers and I hear Jungkook scream again. I nod "fine!! Just let him go!!" she smiles and then snaps her fingers again and Jungkooks screams stop and I let her go

My eyes turn normal and I run to jungkook and untie him and he falls into my arms, I fall to my knees with him struggling to breath. I kiss his head and he looks at me "j-jimin...i-im s-sorry"I shake my head "no no no baby....don't say that....we need to get you to hospital"

I tear up a little when suddenly jungkook goes limp, I hear his heartbeat, it's slow but he needs to get to hospital quickly. I stand up and go to walk away but Abigail growls "no's time to leave" Felix walks to me and takes the unconscious jungkook "Abigail he's my boyfriend!"

She glares at me "do not argue with me!! We made a deal!! I didn't kill him and now you return home!" She grabs my hand and pulls me away...
I can't physically do anything....she's my older sister, she's way more powerful than me...If I tried to do anything against her...she could make me dissapear with a snap of her fingers..

I'll be back Kookie..... don't forget me...

Jins pov

We all rush to the hospital and doctors take jungkook quickly and we all sit in the waiting room. I look at Felix and Bangchan and then at yoongi "who was that and when will jimin be back" yoongi sighs "that was mine and jimins sister....she's younger than me and older than jimin....her and jimin use to be very close and use to do loads of mean and evil things together which is why she forced jimin to go back and not me..."

Bangchan sighs "jimin won't be back for years....he has no power over her.... Abigail is one of the most powerful female demons in the universe.....jimin can't do anything....or he'll turn to dust...." I look down "jungkook will be broken..." Yoongi nods "all we can do is make sure Jungkook doesn't forget day jimin will return....I know he will....that brat never gives up"

The doctor calls us for jungkook and we all rush into the room to see jungkook asleep on the hospital bed with machines around him
He's gonna be so broken.....

I wish there was something we could do to help....

The Vampire In Broad Daylight (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now