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Jungkooks pov

Today me and jimin are taking Millie to the park! We're planning on having a picnic
I haven't got any classes today and jimin isn't working because the tattoo parlor is closed, everyone else is also coming with us.

We're all at my house.
I look at jin-hyung who was glaring at jimin, I roll my eyes "hyung why are you glaring" Jin looks at me "because of what you're wearing, jimin could try and jump you" I scoff "he won't try and jump me, stop being so dramatic" he Huff's "fine"

I look at jin-hyung who was glaring at jimin, I roll my eyes "hyung why are you glaring" Jin looks at me "because of what you're wearing, jimin could try and jump you" I scoff "he won't try and jump me, stop being so dramatic" he Huff's "fine"

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((Jungkooks outfit))

Jimin chuckles "shall we go get Millie?" I nod "let's go, I'm sure she's very excited about her boyfriend coming back" we both laugh

We all walk out after grabbing some picnic things, I force jimin to hold the picnic basket.
We walk nextdoor and I knock on the door

After a few minutes the door opens revealing Millie's dad, I smile "where's the princess?" He chuckles "MILLIE! KOOKIES HERE!!"
We hear a squeal, a few seconds later Millie runs out and jumps into my arms, I smile and hug her and pick her up and spin around

She giggles "you came!" I nod and put her down...she was in the same outfit as me but instead of the flower crown she had a little tiara on and she was holding a small bag, she looks at jimin and gasps "my boyfriend is here!!!" Jimin puts the picnic basket down and crouches down and kisses her cheek "of course I am...I promised I match jungkook"

Millie nods "we always match! Right Kookie?" I nod "yep!" Jimin picks her up "Millie these are my friends...Hobi, yoongi and namjoon" Millie giggles and waves at them "Hiya!"
They all wave back. Millie gasps "are they vampire's too???"

Jimin shakes his head "not all of them... yoongi is..he's my brother" Millie nods.
I pick the picnic basket up and hold her little bag "ready for a fun day at the park?" Everyone nods.
Millie waves to her dad "bye bye Appa!" He waves "bye bye baby! Have fun with Kookie"

We all walk to the park that was just down the road. It was a really hot day today...I hope we bought enough water

We arrive at the park, I lay a blanket down under some shade and I place the picnic basket down.
We all sit down on the blanket, Millie sits in jimins lap talking about ponies, I smile and tilt my head back and close my eyes feeling the small breeze against my face.

I hear Millie giggle, I gasp a little when someone takes my flower crown off and puts something on my head. I open my eyes to see Millie holding my flower crown, she holds a phone up "smile Kookie!" I giggle and smile looking at taehyung who was chucking
There is a click, so I assume she took a photo

She then shows me the phone, I giggle

She then shows me the phone, I giggle

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