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Jungkooks pov

I look at jimin who was stood by the bedroom window looking outside. I stand up and walk go him "you okay?", He nods "yeah...." I wrap my arms around him "what are you thinking about?" He looks down "my parents....I haven't seen them in years...."

I play with his hair "where are they?" He Huff's "in hell.....and I would go visit them....but I'd be away for weeks and I don't want to leave you" I kiss his head "go to your parents jimin....I'm sure they miss don't need to always put me first" he nods "yes I're my top priority!"

I make him look at me "sometimes you need to put yourself first....I understand that okay?" He looks away "I'm not going jungkook.....I'm not leaving.... especially with woojin wondering around....he could hurt you"

I sigh "why don't I come with you?" He looks at me shocked and then shakes his head "no DEFINITELY not!" I tilt my head "why?" He sighs "hell is no place for an angel" I giggle "jimin I'm not an angel I'm a human that will probably go to hell when I die anyw-" he growls "you aren't ever going to die"

I giggle "jimin.....what's so bad about it? I've always wanted to visit hell" he looks at me and sighs "fine.....but stay by my side okay?" I nod "of course..."

He grabs my hand and then stands up and walks out the room and to the bathroom and stands in front of the mirror "close your eyes and DO NOT open them until I say" I nod and close my eyes

I start to feel funny and dizzy. I hear jimin sigh " your eyes" I hesitate but open my eyes and I gasp looking around in all directions

open your eyes" I hesitate but open my eyes and I gasp looking around in all directions

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My eyes widen looking behind me

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My eyes widen looking behind me

I hug jimins arm he kisses my head "don't be scared baby

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I hug jimins arm he kisses my head "don't be scared baby.... those are the murders and seriously evil won't go near there ever" I gulp and he starts to walk so I walk with him but hug his arm tightly.

We pass loads of demons and vampires that all stop and stare at us, some bow to he royalty or something?.....we walk up a pathway and I gulp

He holds me close and sighs "we can go back if you want baby" I shake my head "n-no it's okay" I jump when i hear an ear piercing scream

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He holds me close and sighs "we can go back if you want baby" I shake my head "n-no it's okay" I jump when i hear an ear piercing scream. I hug his arm tigter.

We arrive at a castle and my eyes widen "whoa..."

He sighs "welcome to mine and yoongis real home jungkook

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He sighs "welcome to mine and yoongis real home jungkook...." We walk inside and guards bow to jimin and I cling to him shaking a little.
He wraps his arm around me and pulls me close. I gulp when I see a demon and a woman vampire sat on some thrones.

The vampire gasps "jimin?!" The demon stands up "son?" Jimin nods "hello mother,father" the vampire looks at me "who is this?" I bow to them still shaking. Jimin makes me stand "this is my boyfriend....jeon jungkook...... jungkook these are my parents....jiyeon and min-jun"

I smile weakly "n-n-nice to meet you" jiyeon gasps "he's a human" Min-jun smirks "I haven't seen a human in years....very beautiful creatures aren't they" jimin nods "some of them yes....mainly my baby but I guess there are some beautiful humans..." I blush a little.

I'm so scared.....

The Vampire In Broad Daylight (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now