"Chapter 1: New School... Again"

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I sighed. Another country another school. Of course, that's what I get for having rich parents. I left my friends behind, again.

And when I don't want to stay that's when they decided to stay. For how long they say? Forever. I told them over and over I don't want to stay in Japan but no, my parents don't even care about my personal opinions.

I was walking towards my new school. My driver had dropped me off by the gates as I slowly walked inside. I had no need to participate in the entrance exam via recommendation. I reached for my pocket and grabbed my schedule.

I let out a frustrated groan, "Of course I take advance classes... I bet I'm the only one with these..." I mumbled clearly irritatedly.

Why am I not allowed to live a normal life?

I guess I'm too special as to what they say. My quirk isn't even all that great though.

I walked up the stairs and examined where my homeroom will be. Class 1A. Hero department.

My mother asked me why I chose the hero department. That only proves that she never listens to me, ever since I was a child I've always wanted to be a hero since, we're staying here forever why not settle my hero course here? No problem at all.

"Um hey!" A voice snapped me back to reality. I turned around. She had pink skin and-- wait are those horns?!

"Do you know where Class 1A is?" She asked, out of breath.

"I'm heading there now."

"Oh! That's cool!" She replied and held her hand out, "Its Ashido by the way,"

"Yaoyorozu. Nice to meet you!" I smiled warmly.

We started walking to the classroom. By how she walks I could easily tell this is one of the hyperactive people in class. Probably cause trouble.

"So what was your score?" She asked, breaking the silence. She must not like the silence that much.

"What score?" I asked confusingly.

"The score in the practical exams. Duuh!"

"Oh I didn't go through exams! I was here via recommendation!" I held my hands up.

"Woah! That's so cool!" She looked at me in amazement.

We both stopped in front of a huge and tall door. This is a little intimidating. Knowing my past experience the principal might me a huge, tall and intimidating guy to have tall doors such as these.

Before we get to open the door, the door slid to the side in a second not giving me room to react. I fell backwards and was pinned down by a certain someone. I looked down to see a small guy with grape like hairs?! The day gets weirder and weirder.

The guys eyes squinted open and went wide. He started drooling and his hands unconsciously grabbed ahold of my boobs. What the fluff?! This pervert!

He was quickly knocked off of me by a kick as soon as he had a grip, "Mineta it's the first day of school! Get a hold of yourself!" A girl with short purple hair and an undercut said.

She turned to me and held her hand out, "I'm sorry about the guy over there." I grabbed her hand and she helped up, "He's a- uh... he's a kid that miraculously passed UA entrance exams..."

"Tell me about it..." a boy with yellow hair said as he picked up the grapes and walked inside.

A man with blue hair and glasses rushed out of the room followed by a trail of smoke and started chopping the air?, "Everybody get inside, homeroom bell is about to go soon!"

I went in and sat at the far back hoping there wont be anymore 'accidents' distracting me from this particular class.

A little later the door slid open revealing a tired man that was somewhat carrying a sleeping bag? Is he someone important?

As soon as he stood on the podium the bell rang, "Good morning class..."

Silence filled the room.

"Aizawa Shouta. I'm the homeroom teacher of Class 1A."

Wait, he's our teacher?! This school keeps on surprising me...

"Welcome to the Hero Course.." He said with no hint of enthusiasm, "Congratulations on passing the entrance exams, practical and written." He looked down on the table, "Now since it's the first day, I'll go easy on you..." His eyes wandered around the room as he says, "Change into your PE uniforms and meet me on the field."

The boy with glasses stood up raising a hand, "Sir! Isn't morning period regular classes?!"

"It's the first day... you're all in the hero course. We are tasked to give you a warm welcome." He walked out of the room, "I'll explain when we get there!"


"What do you guys think will happen?" A girl with a round face said, excitedly.

"I hope it's a test to the death!" A blonde said pumping his fists together.

Yeah these guys are as weird as it gets. First, I got knocked down by a pervert. And second, we had our homeroom teacher surprise us with all of this.

"Alright class..." A tired voice said, snapping everyone's attention to it, silencing us as it occurred, "Shall we start?"

(Basically everything that happened on the episode where Aizawa tests the students but without the whole Midoriya incident)

The bell rang, "I guess that'll be enough for today..." He turned around, "Oh there aren't any break this week... all of you go to the gym and try something new with your quirk."

"WHAT!?!?" The class exclaimed, clearly showing disbelief and probably frustration, well, except for me, I already read the school's guidelines ahead of time to not get confused.

"THAT'S TORTURE!" Ashido groaned as she complained.

"It's the warm welcome from the hero course... enjoy..."

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