"Chapter 14: She wants it"

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Kyoka face planted on the walls, a small thud quickly following the action. Momo winced from her bed when she looked up from her book.

 She set the book aside cautiously as if she was trying not to wake up a sleeping beast from it's cage, "Hey..." She cringed at how soft those words came out.

Kyoka groaned as a response, not even bothering to look at her or moving at all.

"I something bothering you?" She crossed her legs and shifted her weight to her hands getting into a more comfortable position.

She groaned again, this time much louder and rougher.

Momo inhaled sharply, "That bad?" She asks, the softness dropping like bricks from a four story building.

Kyoka's shoulder's slumped forward before she let out a hum.

"Wanna talk about it?" She asks, the softness coming back.

She finally pulled her face away from the wall and turned around, her eyes were closed and her forehead was red. She leaned on the wall, her head repeatedly banging against the concrete.

Momo frowned, though this was not the first time she had seen her best friend in this state she really hates it whenever it happens. The sinking feeling of something rotting always welcomes her from the deepest reach in her gut.

Kyoka finally made up her mind and hesitantly stood on her own two feet, wobbling slightly at how unbalanced she become.

Momo smiled warmly at the hesitant musician, silently cheering her on for her confidence.

The shorter girl flopped down Momo's huge bed, her hands sprawled out, "I want to do something!" She complained which made Momo more confused than she already has.

"Do something?" She repeated for clarification.

Kyoka sat up and placed her head in her hands, groaning loudly, "I want to move. To train." She replies, bored than she intended, "I want to do something that involves me and my privacy!"

Momo tilted her head to the side, a small frown on her face, disappointment was the right word to summarize her mood, "Is that so?"

Kyoka nodded, her hands following the motion. Momo sighed and grabbed her book preparing to leave the room. When she stood up she was stopped.

"What are you doing?" Kyoka asks cautiously, now she was confused.

"I thought you want your privacy?" She clarifies, "Is there something else you want?"

The emotional friend chuckled dryly, "Momo. I said I want to do something."

Momo furrowed her brows, more confused. She turned fully towards the smirking Kyoka, "But you said you want to be left alone. With your privacy."

"Yes. My privacy." The raven-haired beauty was beyond confused at this point, "I want to do something without the bodyguards." She looks away suddenly feeling shy while a small blush crept her cheeks, "I want to do something with you..."

It was hard to hear at first but when the information sunk in Momo's realisation, she could feel her ears fuming with heat at how flustered she became in two seconds.

Doing something with Kyoka without someone supervising them, that was a really huge leap. But is it? She and her had been always doing stuff together, others even entitling them as inseparable. So why was she feeling flustered now?

Momo blinked, "Isn't that a little dangerous..?" She croaked. When the words came out her blush became deeper, her flustered state had doubled with embarrassment, "I-I mean it's not that I don't want to but what about the League?"

Kyoka sighed, "I guess you're right..." Was she-..? She almost sounded like she was disappointed at the facts.

She swallowed, her hold of the book that was now close to her chest was tight. Very tight.

Kyoka's sadden state was torturing her. Was she doing this on purpose? Torturing Momo with sad puppy eyes?! That's just a ridiculous thought but with Kyoka, practically anything happen.

'What are you doing to me right now?' She thought to herself, her hold loosened.

She herself released a sigh, "I can tell Aizawa-Sensei that we are to be left alone to train."

Kyoka beamed at the information, her eyes shining with joy and innocence that the thought of it just an act washed away in snap.

Momo giggled, if Kyoka were a dog her tail would be wagging rapidly at how happy she looked. The kind of thought that was was funny.

"Really?!" She exclaimed, jumping up from the large bed.

Momo just rolled her eyes with a very proud smirk, "I can't really say no when your giving me your puppy eyes..." She mutters that was very audible to Kyoka who just blazed at the statement.

Quickly snapping from her daze, Kyoka jumped in the air punching the air to show just how excited she was, "It would be just like before the attack! We'd be training... together."

Momo's heart skipped a beat when Kyoka paused just to say and emphasize the word 'together', those few words just made her wanna explode with how much she missed those times...

She returned the soft gaze with a warm smile, "Yeah..." She closed her eyes and shook her head at how amused she was with Kyoka's methods, "Together..."


Todoroki paused when he saw the door to the dorms open. He watched silently when Jirou and a blonde girl walked out of the building, the blonde was attached to Jirou's arm like a sloth not having the intention to let go.

Seeing just how Jirou has had enough with the girl's antics sent flags inside Todoroki's mind. Like how it would when you see a helpless child crying for help in front of you.

"-long since the two of us had the chance to do something!" The blonde exclaimed, when they were within earshot, "You've been hanging out with Yaoyorozu lately its just sad–"

"Excuse me." He cut her off, their heads practically snapping towards his direction like they had just discovered he existed. Jirou looked so surprised, "Where are you two headed?" He asks, he had nothing to do the next few hours so he would be free.

"Uhh..." She reached her free hand up to rub the back of her neck sheepishly, "To the hospital, I guess."

His face remained monotone hearing the information, "Good. I was going there too." He lied, "Do you mind if I join?"

Jirou gave him an odd expression, "Sure?" She replies with shrug, "But why though? What's your business in the hospital?"

He didn't really show it but he screamed at himself for not finding a reason to go. Quickly thinking he replied with his most forced nonchalant voice, "Visiting my mother and probably Bakugo or Kirishima."

She smiles, "That's why I'll be there too!" She blushes when she realised what she said, "The Bakugo and Kirishima part I mean! I don't have a mother– No! I uhh mean, that..."

Yūko, the blonde, giggles at Jirou's flustered state and tugged the arm reassuringly, "It's alright, Jirou! I think he understands what you mean, no need to be flustered."

She relaxed and let out a breath, "Yeah..."

"Shall we go then?" He asked, thinking that it was time that he says something.

Jirou smiled at him before she nodded.



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