"Chapter 26: Start of the Festival"

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It was nerve-wrecking. The minute the school officially opened the gates for people, there was a tsunami like effect on all the first years. All of them watching from either the school's glass windows or the Arena where the seats were filled in a pace.

Denki sighed heavily, his body leaning on Bakugo's side as he trembles in nervousness. He chuckles, eyes still glued at the swarm of people, "Man this is scary..."

"You could say that again." Mineta mutters below him, face and palms pushing against the glass.

Iida claps loudly, redirecting their attention and easing their nerves a bit, "Alright everyone get inside! Aizawa-Sensei will be here in a moment and we still have yet to check the attendance."

The guys walked back inside immediately, seeking safety inside their humble little classroom. They sat with shaking sighs and nervous faces, though they are very confident in their ability to both entertain and win, that didn't stop their nerves from showing.

And to think that they were the ones that survived the USJ attack.

Iida and Momo took their place on the pedestal, "'All students are supposed to be awake at 6AM and come to school immediately' is what Aizawa-Sensei said yesterday before dismissal." He narrowed his eyes, "Where are you're other classmates? It's almost 6AM."


Denki raised his hand, he waits for Iida to nod at his direction before he spoke, "So I didn't really quite listen to the announcements yesterday other than there were two special guests joining us. Could you please elaborate?" Denki smiled sheepishly when Iida sighed.

Momo kindly pats his back in reassurance. "Aizawa-Sensei told us to wake up at 6AM to re-read the schedule of the event and also to give us enough time to warm up before and help us relax before it starts." Iida smiles gratefully over his shoulder and Momo simply replied with a small nod, "He also wanted to check in us for some reason..." He muttered the last one, a hand on his chin as he thinks.

"Don't think on it too much, Iida." Momo assures yet again. She turns to her classmates when she saw him already in the deep, "We have ten minutes exact before Aizawa-Sensei exits the Teacher's Dormitory,  we better get the others before he exits the building. Who is willing to go?"

There were dozens of raised hands. Momo smiles to herself at the competitiveness of her class. As she began pondering who to choose however, a small red flick caught her attention.

She turned to the windows and stared at the open field.


Momo shook her head before she smiles sheepishly, "Sorry sorry, I just thought I saw something..." She then clears her throat, "Let's get down to business. Tsu you wake the girls and..." her eyes scan the raised hands then she smiled at Denki, "Kaminari-kun? Do you mind waking up the boys?"


The two chosen students quickly got to their feet and proceeds to do as they were told. When they turned to a direction, Momo and Iida got back to their places and the class settled in a small buzz of conversations.

Excitedly, Kyoka stood from her seat and approached Momo, accompanied by Todoroki and Kirishima.

"Good morning." Todoroki greets, nodding his head respectively to the three students in his premises. He gives Momo a slight smile before he remained standard.

"Good morning." The other three greeted back at him.

Kirishima approached Todoroki.

Momo looked behind Kyoka expecting one of the three assigned bodyguards to be there. She raises an eyebrow when she finds no one, "Hey Kyoka?" The girl hummed in reply, eyes trained suspiciously on Todoroki and Kirishima's conversation, amused at how steady they were replying to each other, "No bodyguards?"

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