"Chapter 15: Todoroki worrying"

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Yūko seems to be a little more cautious when they entered the hospital. She released her grasp on Jirou and has been looking around like she was finding something or someone. This surprised Todoroki for many reasons, one is that this girl is capable of protecting Jirou.

When she and Todoroki makes eye contact she always gives him a piece sign and that wink and small tongue out kind of look, he nods as a reply.

Everything seems to be going smoothly, except that Jirou hasn't even uttered a smile. Her face has been stuck in a frown and it's bugging the bi-colored boy out. He knows she always smiles, so what's the problem.

He still couldn't figure it out and he will find out.

Jirou finally smiles when they reached the reception, looks more forced than natural, "Hi." She says.

The boy in the desk looks up from the computer, he smiles and places both hands on the table turning all his attention to the trio, "Hello, how can I help you?"

"We're from UA and are visiting some friends of ours." Yūko replies earning a disapproving grunt from the musician, "The ones that were involved in the accident behind the mall?"

His lips furrowed down at the realisation, that simple gesture sent flags inside their minds. 

"Is there something wrong?" Todoroki said after a couple of seconds of silence.

"Uhh..." He started rubbing the back of his neck while his shoulders were slightly raised, "Nobody is allowed to visit them, only the teachers and parents."

Yūko placed both hands behind her head, "Now that's a bummer!"

"I agree..." He mutters under his breath, two fingers stroking his chin.

Jirou looked over her shoulders, on eyebrow raised, "What about you, Todoroki? Aren't you gonna visit your mother?"

"Her visitation hours were hours ago..." He says bluntly.

She turns towards him, surprised by his bluntness and honesty, "Wait. So why did you come?"

"I was worried." Was all he said before he turned around and started walking away. He dismissed the surprised face Jirou gave her, he can be thoughtful too! That's what Momo says at least.

Jirou and Yūko fell into step beside Todoroki. They walked silently before Yūko started groaning loudly.

A few seconds of just groaning, Jirou groaned herself, "Will you stop?"

Yūko shook her head and groaned again, her shoulders were limped forward. Jirou groaned herself but she didn't say anything else.

The three were walking silently down the road, Yūko had her hands behind her neck, Jirou had her hands tucked in her pockets while Todoroki was walking with his usual monotone everything.

The feeling hovering above them was tense, at least that's what Yūko feels. She feels the need to say something, to do something that would make the two of them talking.

Finally, when they were nearing the Dorms, the mood kinda lighten and she had the courage to actually start a conversation.

She walked a little faster, her hands were now behind her back and she turned around, walking backwards as she spoke, "So are you two friends?"

"Acquaintance." They both said in sync. The two cringed while Yūko giggled.

She looked down to their shoes, "So how does that work exactly? Being acquaintances?"

"She's the best friend of my friend."

"He's a friend of my friend."

They both cringed again at how in sync they were. Giggling again, Yūko couldn't hide her amusement, the two are like the same but not the same at the same time. (How many same did I place in that sentence?)

"Who's friend?"

They both gave her a small smile, "Yaoyorozu." They said, nodding in agreement that they were, once again, in sync.

Yūko furrowed her brow, the name really sounds familiar, "Yaoyorozu. The black haired girl? The one that's 170cm tall? Onyx eyes?" She asked, her hands motioning everywhere as she explained.

"Also don't forget to add the most adorable cat you could ever get." Jirou added with a smile.

"And the most smart girl in our class..." He mutters just after Jirou's statement.

"You guys seem close."

"Not as close as Jirou and Momo are, they are inseparable and the two are on first name basis."

Yūko's eyes widen at the information, her attention turning fully towards Jirou. An angry glint were present in her eyes.

By the way Jirou flinched, it looks like she hadn't told the blonde about their relationship boost. The trio stopped walking.

Jirou visibly swallowed and waited for Yūko's rant.

"You." She pointed a finger at her chest, "And her, are on a first name basis?" She repeated, the information seemed so unbelievable when she says it.

"Is there something wrong?" He whispered.



"What do you mean there's nothing wrong?!" Yūko exclaimed, "We've been friends for five years and we aren't even on a first name basis! But her?! You and her are already on that level of friendship for how long?! Five months?"

Todoroki was confused. Yūko just started fuming and shouting, she looked mad, really mad. He just made a new discovery too, Yūko and Jirou are friends for five years.

Yūko was shouting reasons why they should be on a first name basis too but Jirou and Todoroki had already tuned her out. She was complaining and they were not about to listen to complaints when they had their own.

At least five minutes had past before Yūko calmed down.

She took her last deep breath and a smile plastered on her face, it was rather too sweet considering she was just fuming a few minutes ago.

She reached her hand out to Todoroki and he took it without another word.

Her smile didn't fade, "Thank you for sharing that bit of information, Todoroki."

He didn't reply.

"And Jirou." She turned to the girl, "Please inform me whenever you have new friends that are on a first name basis?"

She didn't reply.

"Now that we are all in a understanding. Let me take this call." She motioned to her vibrating butt.

They looked a little surprised when they saw it. Jirou didn't even hear any vibrations coming from behind, maybe because of how loud Yūko was that the vibration became unnoticed.


Cut short, i don't know why.... why?

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