"Chapter 8: The fight behind the Mall"

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Midoriya started to glow a red hue while black electricity flow through his body. (So much like All for One)

Midoriya was in front of Kirishima in a flash. Kirishima didn't have time to react and was hit with a direct blow to his face. Kirishima was thrown to the wall, his surroundings cracking making a loud thump as he made contact.

Midoriya started laughing. What the fuck is funny about punching someone to the wall.

He turned to me and I loosened up a bit. He tried to attack me from behind but the vibration he was emitting was too much for an average human being.

I turned around and tried to block his jab. I saw the smirk on his face and I slid to the side and fell on the pile of garbage bins.

I groaned and quickly stood up ignoring the sudden throb from my head. I could feel my arm hurting but that wasn't enough to keep me at bay.

He smiled to see me still standing. He quickly ducked and Kirishima came flying above him. Kirishima stopped his sprint and took his stance.

Kirishima and Midoriya started to exchange blows as I tried to look for an opening.

From my point of view Kirishima was doing most of the blocks. Midoriya was giving all the punches. It's hard to watch a friend being used as a punching bag.

Kirishima seems to be at a disadvantage. He was only using his arms while his foe uses their whole body, I have to come in between. Quick before this get out of hand.

Midoriya landed two punches on Kirishima's chest. There. An opening.

I swayed back and forth. Midoriya glanced at me and his eyes widen. Before he knew it he was backing away because of a blow I managed to land.

His aura started to dim and he quickly regained footing.

Me and Kirishima nodded and we fought side by side. Me doing all the attacks with him doing all the defence.

Midoriya quickly saw through our strategy. So he grabbed Kirishima's arm after he blocked the kick in the head and threw him to me.

I felt Kirishima land on to me and it was painful. Kirishima's quirk was still activated when he landed and I could feel the skin of my arm and side burning at the contact. It was as if I was being scraped with a thousand nails.

When we landed on the ground, both of my sides were damaged by the contact. One because of Kirishima's quirk and two because of the pavement I was being squashed at.

I managed to get Kirishima off me and tried to stand up but failed and I coughed out blood.

My arm was damaged but it wasn't that bad, I could still fight and that's what matters. Just wait and distract until the backup arrives.

Kirishima offered me a hand. I wiped my mouth and slowly stood up with Kirishima's help.

"Are you alright?" Kirishima whispered.

I nodded and was about to take my stance when electricity ran through my body and I could feel my ribs tighten. I put my arms around my own stomach and grunted.

Kirishima was about to help me up, "Focus... on the enemy-- argh!" I said in between grunts.

He nodded and started attacking Midoriya. The two exchanged blows again.

Fuck. I think my ribs are about to break. Kirishima's quirk must have done some damage with the bones that cracked earlier when I was thrown. I stood up and ignored the throbbing pain.

I gave a punch on Midoriya's ear.

Though my torso hurts, the amount of damage I was dealing was enough. He starting blocking us more than attacking us.

I threw him a kick on his rib and I could feel my own crack.

He was knocked back and I broke down', one of my arms trying to sooth the pain away.

"Aargh!" I shouted.

When Midoriya was knocked back Denki threw him a shock and Midoriya fell down to one knee.

He panted, "You guys are... good..."

Kirishima kneed him on his chin and he grunted. Denki was about to shock him again but Midoriya dodged his attack and kicked him towards Kirishima.

"Having rubber soles are one thing..." Midoriya said.

Fuck. I have to stand up.

Kirishima was shocked and was having trouble functioning. I have to finish this. What did those years mean if I give up now.

I panted, "Denki... what are you doing here..."

"I see you're still awake."

"Surprised? I'm tougher than I look..."

"I underestimated you..." he took his stance and I wobbly took mine.

He attacked and hit me square in the face. I quickly regained motion and started attacking back.

A kick on his side then a punch to his face. I dodged a jab and I gave him a jab of my own. He tried to kick my sides but I blocked and pushed it away. He backed up. An opening. I used my jacks and he screamed in agony.

He grunted and yanked my jacks off of him. I felt my jacks tighten and it started paining.

He started squeezing it. I broke down again. Fuck. Why do these things have to be so sensitive.

I grunted and groaned in pain as he squeezes my jacks.

"That's a shame... you were a very good fighter too..."

"You're wrong..." I yanked my jacks away from him ignoring the pain that kind of reminded me of being cut deep with a knife and quickly got up, took his head and pulled him to my knee.

He stumbled backwards, his hands on his forehead.

The electric like aura bursted back, surrounding him like a forcefield.

My head throbbed. My whole body screamed at me. Everything was painful and the darkness was just around the corner, ready to envelop me in it's grasp. I'm almost done.

I took a step forward and immediately stopped to cough out more blood. I groaned and looked at him in the eyes. He was smirking. What to do to piss someone off? Right...

I gave him the birdie finger.

His expression drastically changed. Anger quickly taking him over and he charged at me. I closed my eyes and stood there, waiting for the punch to land on me.

I was waiting for at least a few seconds before I heard ice breaking. Before I get to open my eyes I was blown away by a strong gust of wind, with a very chilly breeze.

It was cold and I felt myself fading away. I landed on something very soft and warm that immediately rivalled the cold breeze but I didn't even make an effort to open my eyes. They were too heavy.

I could feel something sharp surrounding me and each one of them were very cold. If there was no warmth that I'm feeling right now, I would have started to shiver.

Then I heard a voice, "Damn it, you..." those were the last thing I heard before everything went black.

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