"Chapter 11: Back Home"

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"Let me help..." A boy with purple hair with tired eyes offered and helped me get in the car without another word. I'm a little irritated.

Aizawa told me I would be protected by some dudes from my school for at least a week before I'm in tip top shape. They were one of the top in their classes, so he said that I would be safe.

The boy's name was Shinso, as what Aizawa informed me. Truth to be told, now that I look at him he looks exactly like Aizawa but with purple hair and eyes. Is he Aizawa's secret love child?

I quickly waved the thought off my mind. I do not want to be the next Shoto. As much as I hate to admit it, sometimes I also feeling like guessing people's secret love child, Todoroki had rubbed off on me.

When I looked at him, our eyes met and I quickly averted my eyes, "So..." Fuck it. I have to ask him or I'll explode and kill myself with these cruel cruel thoughts I have, "Are you Aizawa's secret love child..?" Now that's what I call a wussy, whispering something your partly embarrassed.

He looked at me and laughed humourlessly, "I wish..."

He had a deep and raspy voice. It's a little soothing in a way, well only for a punk rock musician like me.

I sighed and stared outside. I groaned when I saw a screen that was reporting the incident from the mall, "You know, I don't need guards."

"I can see that and I know you've proved it by standing on your own back there, but the principal insists to keep you safe."

A thought crossed my mind, "Midoriya."

Another glance was sent my way, "He escaped when he blasted Todoroki's ice. The police and pro heroes are trying to find him. The school takes precautionary measures to keep you and the rest of your friends that were involved with the incident safe."

I sighed, "Of course..."

"I know you don't need my protection." He turned to me, "But me and the others are still here if you need anything."

I smirked, "So you're my what now? My big overprotective brother?"

He shrugged and gave me his own smirk, "Seems like it."

I chuckled, "You'll be stuck with me from now on!" I leaned towards the window and gave him a smug grin, "Hope you can keep up."

His response was a small chuckle before he went silent.


The car slowed to a stop just in front of the gates of my class dorm. Shinso got out first then helped me out.

At the gates stood most of my classmates. All of them waiting patiently by the doors, a phone in their hands.

I felt my grin get wider, "What' up, Homosexuals?!"

All of their heads turned at my direction with a look of 'did someone call me?' and I laughed. Typical reaction for a bunch of gays.

I laughed when I heard Shinso mutter in the background, "What a lovely nickname..." My class runs up to me, engulfing the both of us in a tight circle.

"JIRO!!!!" Half shouted Mina, who was right in front of me. She wrapped her arms around my neck, tears falling down her eyes.

Ochaco and Toru soon joined, "WE WERE ALL WORRIED FOR YOUU~" They said at the same time which was both disturbing and admired.

I rolled my eyes and hugged back. They cried on my shoulder and I giggled.

When we pulled away, Mina instantly punched my shoulder softly and giving me a light glare with her hands on her hips.

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