"Chapter 22: File"

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The whole walk towards the hospital was quiet. Denki was known to be one of the most talkative students in UA, and to have him eerily silent over this ride had gotten Kyoka's nerves to stay on high alert.

In the meantime, while they walked, her mind was only filled with apologies for her best friend. She could only hope the girl wasn't in the middle of a anxiety attack the sooner she left the building.

She sighed and thought about the hundred first letter of apology she sent telekinetically towards Momo, in hopes of the girl actually receiving it.

The hospital doors slid opened. Immediately, Kyoka noticed the people inside the hospital, more specifically, the lack of. There wasn't a single patient inside the hospital, and the staff looked bored out of their minds. This definitely sent an alarming signal inside her brain. At this hour of the afternoon, the hospital was known for the busy hours.

But she didn't open her mouth to ask though. She just silently followed Denki to the elevator with her hands tucked deep in her hoodie pockets.

The first person she saw was the one guy inside the elevator when Denki dinged it. He wore a black hoodie that was covering his face, but his blue hair was definitely a sore thumb inside his jet black hoodie. The guy bumped into her roughly, despite the fact that there was a whole empty hallway for him to move.

She scoffed and joined Denki in the elevators, not without leaving the guy a deep scowl. The elevator music echoed quietly through the small box as Denki made his way to the buttons and pressed the floor where Bakugo and Kirishima were held.

The tune of the elevator didn't help her nerves, if anything, the sound only made it worse.

Her aunt? What was Denki talking about? She doesn't have an aunt. At least, not that she knew of. Her parents told her that she didn't have a reason to know who the rest of her family is and she had no complaints, but having an aunt when both her parents were considered sibling-less? She hadn't counted that one bit.

Her thoughts cut short when the elevator dinged and the doors slowly opened. She followed Denki with the slightest hesitation.

All Might's huge form came into view and she couldn't help but furrow more into her confusion.

The huge man turned when he saw them from the corner of his eyes. He didn't the signature smile the country knows on his face. In fact, he had a scowl. A deep one at that fact.

Denki stopped in his tracks, but he didn't signal for Kyoka to stop, so she just simply went over to the huge man with a neutral expression.

She looked up at All Might.

"You're here..." His voice boomed, but quiet. It really didn't make sense or All Might to whisper, knowing that this whole floor was practically reserved for UA students and teachers only.

She merely nodded, not breaking eye contact with the number one hero. "Yeah..." She simply replied. Apparently, she was intimidated by a scowling All Might. Who knew she was easily intimidated.

Aizawa emerged from behind the huge brute, with his hands on his pocket jeans and his hair tied in a short ponytail. He wasn't wearing his costume, just a simple all black attire.

He stretched his neck to the side and scratched it, "Right on time. The doctors were just finishing up testing Bakugo's condition. Kirishima's joining him right now."

Suddenly surprising her, she turned to him fully. "They're awake?"

"For three days now. Visits were not allowed until they had finished testing Bakugo's range of memories, his strength and endurance, and most importantly his quirk." He filled her in. Kyoka relaxed a little, having most of her question answered. "Did Kaminari slip up?"

Of course. He probably knew that Kaminari would slip up, thus giving the boy the task to bring her here. He expected Kaminari to slip up so she would be intrigued and bite the hook.

He didn't need her answer, he simply looked up and saw the guilt in Kaminari's features and did nothing else but motion the boy to stand beside Kyoka.

When silence loomed over them, Kyoka got a bit agitated. She expected them to explain what was going on and why was she needed to go here all alone. She knew Kaminari's excuse earlier about not allowing to bring Momo and Shinso was fake. She needed an explanation because she knew that Momo's anxieties had flared the moment Kyoka had promised to come back. And she really wanted to go back to the dorm and just comfort her best friend.

Sensing her agitation. Aizawa looked at All Might. A small animal slowly climbed it's way towards All Might's shoulder, it was the principal. He, too, was wearing a scowl on his face. No one was happy this day.

"I want you to read this file right here." Nezu said. And before she could ask what file, he miraculously pulled one out of his pockets and handed it to her.

 She grabbed it with hesitation and sent them a look before she opened and read it.


Name: Momuri Kiyuba                                          Career: Bounty Hunter

Sex: Female                                                               Birthdate: Unknown

Age: Unknown                                                          Relatives: Unknown

Blood Type: B-                                                          Birthparents: Unknown



             Short blonde(Almost yellow) hair with red eyes. She is a hunter with the highest bid. She is rumoured to be the Yellow Streak whenever it comes to her bouts. Other informations are unknown.


"So..." Aizawa started, "Does that ring any bells?"

Kyoka's eyes were wide, "...why does she have my father's old surname..?"


oof! What kind of mystery will Kyoka learn? Tune in for the next chapter which will be tomorrow! Yay!

Also the sports festival is coming up and I have already outlined the events in my head. Just the inspiration to write it is all I need.

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