"Chapter 10: Discharged"

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"You're injuries are surprisingly healing fast, in a span of three days your body is almost back to normal!" The doctor said, fascinated by my healing ability.

I chuckled sheepishly, "Training for almost my whole life has it's... results?"

"I see..." He started packing his stuff from today's check up, "Well, the hospital has informed the school about your condition and you'll be discharged once they say so."

I nodded in response and he left the room.

I sighed while flopping down on my bed. Finally I can get out of this hospital and get back to training.

Staring at the ceiling, my fist unconsciously started to ball and tighten the longer I stare. Flashes of what happened at the mall started repeating over my head. Izuku Midoriya. What did the world do to you? Did it happen to you too?

I closed my eyes, that wouldn't be possible. His might be worst than mine. It made him a villain and that thought hadn't even cross my mind in the past. Even to this day.

His condition must've been screaming at him. I can't think what he went through just to end up like that. A guy that clearly needed someone to love him.

Thinking about these kinds of things are really a sucker. You never really know until they tell you.

Bakugo seemed to know who he was. Childhood friends? Oof, that must've been hard growing up with that angry pomeranian. Maybe he could be..? No... he has other intentions.

This is frustrating, do you know that brain? Can we please stop and think about something else? Thinking about the past is never good.

Alright... what to think, what to think?

My eyes shot wide open and I felt my whole body went into flames. Seriously, Brain!? Of all the things you could think of, this is the best thing that came up?!

You know that I'm not really the best person whenever it comes to the 'love talk' or whatever that's called.

Now that I think of it... what I felt these last three days, with her the only one visiting me has been bugging me ever since I accidentally said those words. Arrg! Now you've got me curious! Thanks a lot, brain...

I heard a soft knock on my hospital door.

I quickly sat up making a total mess of my bed. My face still warm from my previous thoughts.

Denki? He got discharged first!? That's totally unfair.

"Kyoka!" He greeted in a low voice.

I frowned, "Now that's totally unfair."

He walked over to me hands in his pockets, "No it isn't! I didn't really sustain any serious injuries. So... how ya feelin'?"

"Could have been better." Rubbing my arm as I say.

He sat down on the chair, "You know I still can't get over that your genes lets you heal faster. Now that's totally unfair."

"No it isn't you idiot. I was in a coma for two days."

He deadpanned, "Every time you broke your ankle during Taekwondo practice, it would take you at least a day to recover."

"Pssh! Falsehood. My father snapped my ankle back to normal and massages it until it felt soft and lets me rest the whole night."

He gave me a hurt face, as if he felt his own broken ankle snap back to normal, "That must've hurt..."

"Once you broke you ankle on both legs for the third time. You wouldn't feel a thing during the procedure."

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