"Chapter 7: Deceased friend"

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Me and the boys just got out of the shop. Denki and Bakugo arguing over where to go next as we did so. Kirishima just grinning as he played his game on his phone. And me myself is just walking there, observing each of their movements, staying dead silent.

This has been a habit ever since that day, and I can't deny that I like it. It's fun to just sit back and watch. At least that's fun for me. I probably look like a creep, just staring at them.

I looked away when I realised their argument will only get nowhere, "-might as well go back to the dorms..." I quickly covered my mouth as soon as those words came out.

I chuckled nervously when all eyes were on me.

Bakugo shrugged, "Might as well.. besides, I'm already tired..." He said, putting his hands inside his pockets and started walking to the exit.

I stood there, stunned. Did he just agree with me? That's rare.

"Did he just agree with you..?" Denki whispered.

"I guess he did..."

Bakugo turned around and we all froze, he clicked his tongue, "Are we going or what?!"

"Jeez, Kacchan. Did you really change?" A voice said, coming from behind Bakugo.

Bakugo didn't turn around. His eyes only grew wide, and it looks like he... froze? He was frozen in his spot as if he had just heard a ghost calling him.

He looked down his shoes and gritted his teeth while balling his fists. He looked angry... and guilty? How many more rare stuff is he giving us this day?! More importantly, who said those words that made him freeze.

The voice chuckled, "Got nothing to say to your long lost friend?" He said again.

"You're dead..." He said.

"Nope." he replied popping the 'p', "Never was, never did."

Then an arm wrapped around Bakugo's neck, pulling him up making him look at us, eyes still wide. Are those... tears?! Is he crying?!

After the arm, a head  popped from behind him and rested his chin on Bakugo's shoulder. He had dark green hair with bright green eyes, freckles evenly spread out his face. He looked creepily innocent.

Whoever he is, he's hurting a friend of mine and the others are having the same conversations in their head as I am.

Kirishima's quirk activated from his fingers making me and Denki jump from the sudden action. It was clear that this wolf was about to pounce on his prey.

The boy narrowed his eyes and stared back at Kirishima with an unknown intent, "Don't attack... or he gets it." I could feel my whole body tense up by his gaze. Innocence and Menace combined.

"How are you alive! We saw you fall!" Bakugo suddenly bursts.

He leaned in against his ear, "I'm alive aren't you happy?" He straightened up, "Now, I need you four to peacefully come out of the mall and we talk this over like men. No offence." He stared at me after saying his last sentence.

Kirishima looked pissed, "And if we don't?"

"There will be citizens, children that will be ending up in hospitals..." the way he said that sentence sent shivers down my spine. And then came his smirk, "Or worse..."

Bakugo tried to get out of his grip, "It's a trap! Don't fall for it, you idiots!" He hissed.

"Don't squirm, dumbass! It isn't just you're life's at stake here!" Kirishima warned.

Bakugo groaned and stopped squirming. Me and the boys started following him outside the mall. He led us to the back where the garbage was stored.

He did his homework for sure. Apprehending the one potentially with maximum damage and choosing a secluded part of the building that would be unnoticeable to the public and has the space to contain huge attacks.

He stood there and stared at us then smiled. I gritted my teeth in frustration.

Think, Jirou! What would you do in this situation? A team mate is apprehended, there are no civilians that will be affected so we can attack freely until police arrives. First, we need backup.

I used my Jacks to sneakily open my phone from my back pocket and send my location to the person that had recently contacted me. I hope someone in UA comes.

Now I need to create a strategy for him to let Bakugo go and we'll just start building it from there. But what's his quirk? I can't do anything without knowing at least his quirk. Fuck.

He started laughing, "This is a surprise don't you think, kacchan?"

"I'll kill you, Deku." Bakugo rashly whispered his way.

He chuckled, "You've already seen my last death, I'd like to see you try again..." He then looked back at us, "My apologies." He said, "I should really introduce myself."

He bowed sarcastically, carrying Bakugo with him as he bent down, "Izuku Midoriya. Kacchan's childhood friend and Tomura's right hand man."

"You were the boy beside that gas walking portal that wore a black hood at the day of the attack inside the USJ building." I said, connecting all the dots together. 

He chuckled. How many times will he think this is funny?, "Very clever, Kyoka."

I glared at him, "Don't call me that."

"Or what? You're gonna kill me too? Remember, I'm dead!"

"How do you know her name?!" Denki half shouted. I can tell he's getting impatient.

"I know all of your names..." He creepily said while examining Bakugo.

He then looked directly at Kirishima, "Eijiro Kirishima. Quirk is Hardening, makes your body harden. Apparently, Kacchan's new chew toy which I am honestly surprised about."

Then he turned to Denki, "And you. Denki Kaminari. Quirk is Electrification. Makes your body convert electricity and let it out, but I wont fret when it comes down to the fight. Yaoyorozu isn't here to be the other's safe guard."

He then turned to me, "Of course you. Kyoka Jirou. Quirk is Earphone Jack, having two extensions that acts as an extra limb that can be plugged and release a vibration that represents your heartbeat. You're an emotional wreck after the--"


I was about to charge when Bakugo stopped me, "Earlobes don't even think about doing it! He's trying to get on you're nerves!"

Trying to get to my nerves? He just hit more than just a nerve.

He chuckled again and grabbed something from his pockets. It was a needle with purple liquid inside, he injected it on Bakugo's neck then letting him go.

He pushed Bakugo towards Kirishima and as soon as Bakugo was on his arms, he fainted with a snap of a finger.

Kirishima held the blonde and glared at Midoriya, "What did you do to him?"

Midoriya examined the now empty tube, "Something you guys wouldn't like..."

Kaminari enveloped himself with his quirk, "Denki stop. We don't know what his quirk is."

Midoriya then began clapping, "Very good, Kyoka. I was wondering why you didn't attack when we entered the facility earlier. Where'd you get your smarts? I heard you and your princess have been spending a lot of time with each other..."

"Don't you dare call her that..." I warned.

"Oh please! You and your gay code..." He rolled his eyes.

"Thats. What. I. Do."

"Hehe." He looked down on the ground then frowned.

When he looked back up his eyes was red.

Alright Jirou. What do you do when you don't know the enemies quirk? Correct. We dodge and observe. I don't think Denki or Kirishima would do that though. So our main objective will be distracting the enemy while the other tries to move the injured.

"Denki! Take Bakugo and go!" I said, nodding at Kirishima. Kirishima handed him to Denki and the two slowly walked away behind us.

Midoriya smirked and his stance, "Shall we?"

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