"Chapter 20: Momo's Anxieties"

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"Yaomomo. You should really calm down." Ochaco says, one hand rubbing circles on her back. She was worried, they all were. Momo was the only one who panicked and cried as soon as the door closed in front of them.

Momo took deep breathes, but still didn't make the tears stop falling. Mina wiped them for her and Momo fidgeted with her fingers.

She wasn't just worried. She was afraid and reluctant. Thoughts filled with 'what ifs'.

Shinso left them alone as soon as he saw Momo shed tears. He was too tired to dwell on strong emotional attachment.

Todoroki and Koda walked in later, curious as too what was happening.

Todoroki immediately ran to her side while Koda ran upstairs, probably to get his pet rabbit. Todoroki took Ochaco's side and held her trembling hand.

He looked worried, despite his stoic front, "Yaomomo. What's wrong?" He asked, so genuine that you could confuse him as another person. He looked around, looking for the short musician, "Where's Jirou?"

She chocked a sob.

"She got called to the hospital." Ochaco said, flinching when Tsu placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Tsu looked worried for Momo's behalf, "There were personal businesses that she had to attend. Yaomomo tried to go but she was forced to stay."

Mina gave Todoroki a box of tissues, "She's been crying since they left. She wont tell us why but we're still here to comfort her."

A problem with Kyoka leaving, Todoroki thought. Why would she cry if Kyoka left. The girl would be back as soon as everything's settled, right?

He looked back at Momo, who blew at a tissue.

She immediately composed herself. Red eyes and nose. There were still shudders vibrating to Todoroki's palm and the girl wasn't sitting up etiquettely.

She took a shuddering breath and glanced at Todoroki, "Can we talk? In private?"

He nodded, "Sure. I'll take you to you're room. He stood from the couch and held his hand out for her to take.

As soon as her hand slipped on his, she heard the click of a camera but she ignored it. She couldn't scold them even if she tried to.

They took the elevator to her room, Todoroki's hand on the small of her back, helping her walk steadily.

Like the gentleman he is, he opened the door for Momo and she nodded in acknowledgement of his efforts being respectful.

She sat on her bed as soon as he closed the door behind him. Another batch of tears threatened to spill but she held them back, making her vision blurry and eyes all glassy.

She jumped slightly when Todoroki sat beside her. His reassuring touch on her shoulder made her flinch.

It didn't bring the same comfort and reassurance Kyoka does when she comforts her, that knowing feeling only made her long for Kyoka's return.

He pulled his hand back when he saw her reaction. Deep sadness reflected her eyes.

"So..." He started softly, "What's going on?"

Softness never suits Todoroki, no matter how hard he tries, it doesn't sound assuring or comfortable. Find this guy someone to love to know the definition of the word 'soft'. He's too stiff.

She wiped the tears again, "I'm sorry..." A sniff, "It's just... anxieties... something about my past and all..."

He hummed in response, grabbing a biscuit and taking a bite, "And what does that involve Jirou?" He glanced at Momo from the corner of her eyes.

The girl had froze.

What does it involve when it comes to Kyoka? She cares for her of course, but she also cares for her classmates and the others. But why was she this much anxious when she knew the girl would come back.

She opens and closes her mouth, an act that Todoroki was watching closely.

Mayla... what's the connection between her cousin and her best friend. She knew for a fact that their height and appearance isn't one, together with the quirk. Then what was-

Her eyes watered in realisation. Her mouth fell agape and shudders to think of the similarities and the effects of their words. How had she missed those. Their sentences and humour, together with their fashion style.

Todoroki watched beside her as she cried at the realisation. He carried a juice box that he miraculously pulled out of thin air.

"Ready to tell me?" He burned the box into ashes as soon as it was empty.

She nodded, "Yeah..."


Imma go now and update something else. 

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