"Chapter 18: New Freedom"

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After the incident in the cafe, Momo and Kyoka brushed it off like nothing had happened. They continued with the dorky texts and small looks until Momo was the one that ordered.

It wasn't that much but it took them an hour to finish those. Probably because Momo couldn't shut up about how Kyoka should try Chai Tea or any other tea, she says it's relaxing and can soothe those cramped muscles.

Kyoka only waved her dismissively and told her about how she almost died because she was drinking tea. Momo says she was being over dramatic, which she was.

True fact: Kyoka has never drunk tea. Too afraid.

They were only forced to stop this 'hang out' because Kyoka's alarm had gone off and then there was a phone call with Aizawa-Sensei.

Kyoka chewed before she answered the call. She put it in speaker and placed it in the middle of the table.

"Sir?" She asked, wiping the cream off her hands with the nearby napkin.

"Jirou, where are you?"

Kyoka snorts, "We're still at the cafe. My alarm just got off and we're preparing to leave."

There was a sigh, "Good. I'll have Hado wait for you at the gate." He said, "I remind you this will be the last time the both of you are allowed to go out."

Kyoka took a glance at Momo who had the same mischievous glint as she did. The two smirked and stayed quiet for a moment.

Momo knew Kyoka could be persistent. And Kyoka knew the girl knew how to act. Those two conversations can make a scene. A not-so good scene.

Within that silence, on the other line Aizawa knew what was going on. He groaned, letting out his frustration before scratching the back of his neck.

Not only does he knew their persistency and persuasion tactics but he also knows about school regulations. Momo can break that in a snap when she wants to. That's just how she was taught.

"This week." He says, already had a compromise in mind. He knew this was going to happen so he talked to the principal about this ahead of time, "You are not allowed to go out this week. Wait for you're next week and you are free."

Kyoka stared at her phone in disbelief. She scooped it up and grabbed it to her face, as if she was trying to see Aizawa's eyes to know if he was lying or not. She said, "You're serious right?"

"I knew this would happen..." He simply replied, "I've talked to the principal and he allowed you to got out once a week."

Kyoka beamed at the information. Her eyes landed on Momo and could also see the happiness seep into her. This was golden information.

"Don't take advantage of this." He reminded, "Jirou, you still have to have someone to come with you."

She saluted, her hand going very high showing just how happy she was at the information, "I won't let you down, sir!"

"Good. Anyway, I have to go. This wasn't the only business I have to attend to."

"Sure sure." Kyoka nods and nods, understanding his business, "Good luck out there, Aizawa!"

The the line ended.

Momo started bursting out in laughter. She clutched her stomach tight as she laughed her ass out.

Kyoka stared back at her in confusion as she sets her phone back on the table. There was something she was missing.

When Momo looked up, she laughed harder this time to see Kyoka's confused face.

Kyoka scoffed, "What? What happened?" She asks, "Don't tell me you're trying to die right?"

Momo waved her last statement off and she tried her best to reduce her laughter. She looked at her in the eye and waited until there were only giggles leaving her mouth.

Kyoka was still furrowing her eye brows. Was there something funny?

She snorts and pointed a finger towards her, "You just told Sensei good luck!" Her laughter doubled at Kyoka's realisation.

After that was sorted out, the two eventually got up and go in silence.

Normally Momo would be anxious when it was silent, especially when the topic earlier was about the other's embarrassment but now... she felt relaxed.

Like she doesn't need to fill the empty space between them because it was already full and moving. Too full in fact that the two started giggling at the same time one point in their walk, and the reason behind that was nothing new.

Kyoka snorts and Momo laughs. Something about in the air that made it more enjoyable than uncomfortable.

Only when they reached the gate did their silence was broken.

As Kyoka assumed in their training sessions, Nejire Hado was an enthusiastic student. The blue haired girl waved widely at the two as they approached, a genuine smile across her face.

She nodded at two of them with her hands already behind her back.

Momo smiled and nodded back, but it seems like Hado had someone in mind to talk to, thus, completely ignoring Momo's acknowledgement.

"You must be Kyoka Jirou! Of course, I know that because we got introduced and it was in front of the class too!" Hado said, particularly towards Kyoka who was already backing up from this energy.

Momo quickly got in between, "Hi! Good afternoon, Senpai!" She waved and Kyoka backed away breathing out a breath of relief.

"You must be Yaomomo!" 

She nodded, "Yep! That's me! The girl you just ignored earlier..." She muttered the last part.

"Hi! It's so nice to meet you!" And just as Kyoka predicted, this girl was so pure that a crime like murder, she could get away with. Hado leaned in, beside Momo's ear and she whispered, "One wrong move..."

Shivers ran down Momo's spine. She watched as Hado started to lean back with a bright smile, a finger on her lips making a shushing gesture as she winked. That. That was unpredictable.

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