"Chapter 23: Caught in the Act"

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"She's your father's sister."

"W-what?! How?!" She exclaimed, "From what I recall, my dad doesn't have a sister. He didn't even have parents!" She squeaked at the end there. 

Control that temper of yours, Viola

"She's you're father's sister." He repeated in finality, no room or further argument about this bounty hunter not being her aunt. "Anyway, she has been dead for a couple of years now. Hence will answer your question as to why you weren't passed on to her and stayed in the orphanage."

Kyoka huffed and curled her fists, "Then why am I here? How am I connected to the League?"

The trick to getting information you ask? Well... all I can advice is to press on. Ask the right questions. Don't stall.

Aizawa checked her from head to toe, "Straight to the point I see..." He cleared his throat and waited for Nezu to nod at him. When the principal nodded, he begun, "You're aunt worked for their leader."

"The leader? Like the boss of all the bosses?" Denki asked from beside her, with the same shock and confusion as she has.

"Yes. She took a few bounties from him."

You wanna be a hero and a bounty hunter when you grow up? That's ambition right there when I've heard of it. But do me a favour and know what's right and wrong, 'kay?"

"She either killed or hospitalised her victim to the point where her victim couldn't walk." Nezu announced, "Since we confirmed that you don't know her personally, we have one question."

Bigger size? Then give them a good intimidation. Jirou-style.

She crossed her arms and appeared far more intimidating than her size. She glared squarely on the principal. "And that is?"

"Confident..." All Might commented.

"Who trained you?"

Giving people personal information is like having your spine ripped out. Like what Mama always says, Viola. Only give the shallows. Not the deeps.

"My dad taught me how to fight. My mom taught me how to use my quirk." When she saw they weren't satisfied with such simple answer, she internally groaned. "My father's quirkless, he taught me what he was taught because he wants me safe. Villains tend to go for those that look weak."

"And how do you look weak?"

How you say? That's easy...

"Because I'm frail. I'm short. I have a quirk that I'm still figuring out how to use. Because I'm a girl." 

Stereotypes. Everyone has come to lean on those in the future, even if they did in unconsciously. She knew, because she too was taught about those stereotypes, but her parents, like the unique parents they are had executed it differently and it made her despise some of the said stereotypes growing up.

Aizawa shifted in his feet and let out a breath, "Very well then. Let's move on if that's your true answer." He started reaching for his pockets as he talked, "Bakugo specifically wanted the two of you to see him. He said he wanted to say something."

Knowing Bakugo, Kyoka had guessed it was about not tying him with favours for saving his life.

Aizawa handed her a piece of paper as she and Denki passed the two teachers. Kyoka took it without further hesitation and headed towards Bakugo's room.


Like the decent person she is, she knocked on the door before she abruptly let herself inside without any answer.

Her eyes widen at the sight in front of her. This was not on the list she expected to see when she entered this room. Truth, she expected shouting because she didn't wait for an answer. But she'll probably get that later.

To put it simply, what she saw when she entered was a very unexpected revelation.

Bakugo was on the hospital bed, sitting up with his head tilted upwards. His lips were leading to someone else's which so happens to be Kirishima's. He was slightly pushing Bakugo's shoulder lower to the bed.

When it looked like they were still continuing their make-out session, Kyoka looked away and elbowed Denki.

The pikachu coughed loudly that caught their attention.

The two were quick on their feet and had started fixing their hospital gowns and flushed lightly in embarrassment when they saw the other two of the people they trust the most.

Kyoka snickered, "You two are still in high school and you two are already planning on having sex." She covered her mouth slightly with her fist and looked at them mischievously, "And you're even doing it in the hospital."

Bakugo glared at her for laughing like an idiot by the doorway. Denki joined her laughter when he saw a safe spot in Bakugo's list.

"Shut the fuck up." He stated deadly. Like he was going to tear her from limb to limb.

She gave him a challenging look, and snorted, "Make me." She said with the same low tone he used, which made the other two in the room flinch.

Kyoka was known for being reserved and quiet. Seeing her this feisty and snappy at Bakugo had caught them off guard. Especially Bakugo himself.

Which made him wonder. He tilted his head to the side with his chin high up. "What got you so snappy? You got smug about saving my ass or something?" He scoffed, "Don't even think about it."

"I don't take advantage of those people that were... at a disadvantage... at the last battle."

"Don't give me the sass."

"I envy you though. You were just here healing your ass up, while mine was being followed by strangers that I don't have enough time with Momo than I used to." She motioned the all of him, unconscious of the shocked faces that were thrown her way. "Lucky you." She looked around and saw their surprised face, "What?"

Kirishima snorted from the bed, then proceeded to laugh in his fist. "Oh wow. Never knew you were so bold about you're crush on Yaomomo."

Bakugo caught on with Kirishima's play and grinned to her smugly, "Wow, earlobes. Something happened while the both of us were gone. Care to elaborate."

"Oof! Caught in the act!" Denki entered the conversation as he walked towards the other two, "Kyoka you better explain. I was away for a little while but I totally saw what Yaomomo did before we got here."

Kyoka burst into a deep shade of red.

Kirishima leaned towards Denki, "Oh? What did Yaomomo do?"

Denki chuckled, "Well... the girl didn't want to let Kyoka go." His eyes turned back to Kyoka's, "If given more time, Kyoka would've kissed Yaomomo just to calm the lady down."

"That worried? Ponytail sure is falling head over heals for someone like you..."

Great. She'll spend her afternoon like this. Teasing each other like the high schoolers they are. She knew they wouldn't drop this until she has something more interesting to talk about. In the meantime, she stays and suffers hell from the three.


24 hours.............!

Also I love how Kyoka just clings to the memories left of her parents in this chapter. Having her father's voice echo through her mind is like breathing fresh air when your in a tight spot.

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