"Chapter 28: Dawning"

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Midnight sighs, "Have you found those two yet?" Cementos simply shook his head, "Well fuck me 'till black... fine, I'll do the announcing and commentating. Grab me a drone. Eraser and Mic owe me an explanation and a unlimited shopping spree..."

She turns to the stage and began climbing up to the top. The crowd screamed like it's a lifeline bringing up Midnight's pride. Exciting her to a brim that she couldn't help but whip her weapon on the wooden pedestal, the sound echoing through the speakers. Everyone went ablaze.

"Let's get this show on the road!" She announced, pumping up a fistful the crowd. "On to the first events! To those who are watching this event unfold for the first time, the first and second event will be elimination rounds before the tournament begins. Enough of all of this yapping! Let's begin!" Just as she spoke her last words, the stage opened and a huge screen emerged mesmerising the children in the crowd.

There in the screen was some sort of simulation. There were arrows blinking on both on the top and below with various genres and words by the sides. Midnight seem to be pleased at the technology and giving the machine a pat on the side.

"And this big boy is going to choose our first and second events." She said, "Who's excited? I can't seem to hear anyone here with me. There you go, how obedient of you..." Another wave of squeals through the crowd, "Alright! How about we know what the even would be!"

The screen spun. That was what all of the participants knew, it was just that the screen changed every few milliseconds and they were just standing there, waiting. It felt as years passed when the event popped up in the screen earning a amused noise from Midnight.

"And we have a marathon!"


Midnight goes on and on, explaining the criteria of the marathon. The rules(which are none) and the prize.

Momo should be listening closely. She should be focusing on the event rather than the things that keep popping in her head. Everything around her cheers at the hero but all she was doing was just staring blankly in front of her, she doesn't exactly knew why but...

Everything about all of this seem odd. And it frustrates her how she couldn't put a finger on that. Was it because of the arrival of those students? Or was it Bakugo's sudden outburst?

She doesn't know...

Her eyes glances to her side and she feels some of her muscles relax at the sight of Kyouka listening closely to the instructions. It was clear that most of the 1A students would pass the first trial but it was much more clearer when to know that Kyouka was going to pass this first trial and even make it to the Tournament. She was confident of her abilities of course.

The same feeling she'd felt earlier started bubbling up again and she turned away from Kyouka. One of her hands came up to her chest to feel the organ through skin and blood. She felt it beat, very loud and slow. She was nervous... but why?

She opened her mouth to tell Kyouka of her worries but Midnight was already done explaining.

The hero stepped on some kind of metal basket that floats and she uses this to travel to the 'starting point' of this race. Hesitantly she joined the swarm and tried her best to stick beside Kyouka.

Yet the crowd was just to strong, she was passed from one end to another and before she even knows it. Kyouka was out of her sights. The countdown begun and she still frantically looked for the musician to no avail.


She sees the distinct purple hair from the other side and she tries her hardest to squirm toward her. The other students seem to give her some kind of space to move, some giving her some kind of praise but she didn't mind them. Her mind was focused on Kyouka...


As she was about to reach Kyouka, an arm on her wrist grabs her attention and she was pulled toward that force.


"You..." She murmured at the familiar green eyes staring at her with a wide smile on his face.


And with that Midoriya was off. So was the person she perceived as Kyouka. With a small ache in her heart she began to run toward the narrow hallway of which the students were struggling to break free.

Seeing Mineta's head available for the taking, she steps one foot and then began running on top of the crown giving the small guy a distant sorry.

A cold breeze blew through the tunnel and from the distance she could see ice on the sides confirming that Todoroki was on the lead. With a determined crease on her eyebrows, she fasted her pace on stepping on people. It surprised her how many thank you's she received but that wasn't the point here.

When she reached the end of the tunnel, both Sero and Mina came out of the crowd. The three sends each other smiles before Sero flies away to the ice pillar Todoroki created, Mina sliding on the slippery ice with her quirk and Momo taking off her shoes.

With the right timing, the Vice President made rollerblades and started skating ahead. She passed Mina without that much effort, Sero too together with Kirishima and Toga. When she was about to reach Todoroki, she saw the look in his eyes.

Immediately, Momo took of the blades on her feet and ran as fast as she can to reach Todoroki.

Then the obstacles arrived...

She looks up at the huge robot that stood upon them. It was impressive but she didn't really pay attention to it.

"And our students have come and activated their first obstacles! These robots were used in the Practical Exams evaluating the students. Let's see what they'll do now!"

So this is where our money goes to... Momo shakes the thoughts of taxes away and focuses on the lead. She was about to step forward when she sees the ice enclosing Todoroki's right arm and she steps away. Some kind of shield formed in her arm and she used it to block herself.

Ice blasted from the ground. Capturing the giants with his ice as he leisurely walks away without even breaking a sweat.

The shield Momo created shattered at the cold temperature and she looks up, estimating the height of the robot.

"Hey look! He created an opening!"

She reaches both of her arms out and successfully stopped three people from running toward the whole, "NOBODY MOVE! THE OBSTACLE IS GOING TO FALL!" She shouted as loud as she can and just after she finished yelling at them the robot fell to the ground emitting a gust of cold air.

Unconsciously, Momo shrugged her PE uniform to her shoulders and a pair of parachutes came out of her back, flying her to the air and grabbing attention toward her. Probably not good to look up... someone's half naked everyone...

She shakes her head and cuts off her connection with the parachute and created some kind of bomb, placing it at the balls of her feet and waiting for it to explode. When it did she launches herself toward the next obstacle.

"WATCH IT, PONYTAIL!" Momo was a little shocked when she saw Bakugo passing by her but she didn't let that ruin her form. No. Seeing Bakugo pass her made her want to surpass him herself.

She struggled for a moment to create a mini parachute from the palm of her hand but she still did it.

And when she reached the ground, a shiver racked down her spine. She looked to the side and Midoriya was there waving at her, red lightning surrounding him as passes her.

That was when Momo realised...

The League of Villains were here.



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