"Chapter 4: Dormitory Conversations"

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Yeah... I regret having dorms. I was in my room writing some songs and then boom! Ashido miraculously barged inside, surprisingly not breaking my door and dragged me downstairs while screaming something I do not understand.

Now I am awkwardly sitting on the sofa watching my classmates bicker over something I also do not understand. Why did my parents agree to this again? Right... me to be out of the house...

I should've known this will happen. I'm an idiot to think or even imagine that I'll have normal classmates. That's just ridiculous for the world's perspective.

There weren't that many people here in the common area and most of them were the girls. It was a large space for a living room but I don't complain. I think I'll only be down here whenever my classmates force me. I sighed. Why did Ashido bring me down here if they even talk to me.

I straightened hearing the elevator door ding and turned to see Yaoyorozu walking up to me.

She smiled and waved, I did the same.

She sat down right next to me, the first thing I notice was a golden g clef necklace around her neck.

I smirked and leaned back at the sofa, closing my eyes, "It looks amazing on you..."

"You know you didn't have to give me a hello gift."

"No biggie. That's what I do, and I think that will also be a sorry gift in the near future."

"Is my neighbour loud?" She asked a giddy look on her face. Dang this girl.

"What can I say? I am a musician." Shrugging as I said so.

She giggled, "Well at least it's for a reasonable reason. But I beg you, don't play anything metal whenever it's midnight."

I raised my eyebrows, "Metal? I listen to jazz and punk at that hour to help me sleep. And I'm not really a metal person. That's Denki."

"Huh, I guess I misjudged you."

I chuckled, "What did you think of me when school started? Be honest, Yaoyorozu."

"Hmm..." I peaked one eye open and saw her using her fingers as she counted, "You're mysterious. Shy. Quiet. Tomboy-ish and I guess emo."

I closed my eyes back again and laughed lightly, "When I said 'be honest', I didn't expect straight up facts." This time it was her turn to laugh.

A comfortable silence fell upon us and It only made me more relaxed.

Momo Yaoyorozu. She's respectful and disciplined. As expected from a girl raised from a rich family. Her husband is lucky to have her.

I opened my eyes and felt the need to do something to distract me. 

 "Hey, Kyoka!" Speak of devil. He really knows whenever to show up, "Thanks for your suggestion earlier, I have an idea for a new equipment to my hero costume."

"No probs, Denks! Happy to help a friend!"

His eyes wandered and landed on Yaoyorozu. I deadpanned, oh boy... here we go again

He nudged me and whispered something in my ear, "Introduce me to the hottie..." I rolled my eyes. When I said distractions, I didn't mean this.

I groaned, "Yaoyorozu. This is my best friend, Denki Kaminari. Denki, this is Momo Yaoyorozu."

She turned to him with that warm and welcome smile again.

"Hi, Kaminari! Nice to meet you!"

"Yaoyorozu. That's a..." he looked away then quickly looked back with a smug look on his face. "Beautiful name..."

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