The storm!

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Tw (For the first half of the chapter): Abuse, Unsympathetic Patton 

You know they're the bad guy of the story when they use the petname cutie. Horrible word. Should be taken out of the English language and burned.

It had been around half an hour since Patton and Deceit left their friends at the cafe. The bubbly man had driven them home to their shared apartment. It was a nicely decorated one. Consisting of a living room, a well filled kitchen, a bedroom with a big shared bed and a bathroom with a bunch of cute rubber ducks.

Deceit was in the hallway. He was taking off his jacket when a sudden sting on his cheek caught him of guard. He stopped and moved his hand up to his cheek while his eyes widened.

"I can't believe you embarrassed me like that!" Patton growled out. He was practically fuming.

"I most definitely know what you're talking about" He lied while worrying whether the slap on his cheek would leave a mark.

"You made me look like someone who lets his boyfriend whore himself out" He continued on as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He was practically yelling and Deceit wanted to tell him to stop shouting but he knew Patton would assure that he was simply speaking loudly, never shouting. 

"I haven't-"

"Right, you really expected me not to see how you looked at Logan" Patton grumbled out while taking off his shoes.

"Darling I love you, I would never I swear" He promised while holding his hands over his heart.

Patton's eyes were dark as he lifted the shoe and smacked it at the back of Deceit's head. He flinched back while covering his head with his hands. That would definitely leave a bruise.

"How do you expect me to ever believe you when you constantly lie" Patton sighed before his eyes started to fill up with tears. He dropped the shoe on the ground as he fell down on his knees.

His shoulders started to shake followed closely by sobs. Deceit sat down beside him and pulled him into a hug while stroking his hair.

"I'm sorry so sorry" Patton cried out "You know how emotional I can get, I didn't mean to"

"I know I know" He cooed with a soothing voice "It's alright"

"You're such a good boyfriend Dee-ar, always forgiving my lil mistakes" He said while the fake tears disappeared as quickly as they had appeared. Deceit thought the word mistakes was in this situation as ill-fitting as jacket that didn't quite fit but he didn't say anything about it.

He stood up and dusted himself off "I should really clean here tomorrow hmm. Anyway!" His big usual grin returned "I'll go make dinner. Cutie what do you think about chicken stew?"

"That sounds lovely dear" Deceit answered. He was still sitting on the floor and he was left there as his partner went into the kitchen.

After a few minutes he could hear Patton start to humm on a silly song while he cooked. It felt like Deceit was still stuck in the exact moment he'd been hit. Even when he stood up nothing felt real. Everything felt like a dream as he went into the bathroom.

When he looked in the mirror his cheek was red. There was a metallic taste in his mouth and the back of his head thumped in the rhythm of his heartbeats. He was half expecting to see his ghost stand behind him because it felt like his brain was 2 steps behind his body. He splashed water into his face. The coldness seemed to wake him up from the dream like state.

He traced his finger along the big scar that covered the entirety of the right side of his face. Actually it was less of one big scar and more of many many small ones littered across his cheek and forehead. There was also a deeper one that went from his mouth to his ear.

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